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国有企业在国家经济建设中不仅承担着非常重要的角色,而且是我国国民经济发展的重要经济支柱,在国家改革发展中的地位不容置疑,尤其在事关国家经济的重要领域和重要部门处于支配位置。十八届三中全会后,从中央企业到地方国企都开始启动了国企改革。在国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步完善国有企业法人治理结构的指导意见》中,也明确指出要从国有企业的实际情况出发,以建立健全产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的现代企业制度为方向,积极适应国有企业改革的新形势新要求,坚持党的领导、加强党的建设,完善国有企业的体制机制,依法规范权责,根据功能分类,把握重点,进一步健全各司其职、各负其责、协调运转、有效制衡的国有企业法人治理结构。同时,国有资本的运营效率也暴露出其经营体制的弊端。本文将论述建立现代企业制度对国有资本保值增值的意义及优化方向,使国有资本配制更加科学,结构更加合理。 In the economic construction of our country, state-owned enterprises not only assume a very important role but also become an important economic pillar for the development of our national economy. Their status in the reform and development of the country is beyond doubt. In particular, they are dominated by important sectors and important sectors that are crucial to the country’s economy position. After the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, all state-owned enterprises from central enterprises to local governments started the reform of state-owned enterprises. In the Guiding Opinions on Further Improving the Corporate Governance Structure of State-owned Enterprises, the General Office of the State Council also clearly pointed out that it is necessary to proceed from the actual conditions of state-owned enterprises to establish and improve a modernized system featuring sound property rights, clear powers and responsibilities, separation of government from enterprises and management of science We should adhere to the party’s leadership, strengthen party building, improve the institutional mechanisms for state-owned enterprises, standardize their rights and responsibilities according to law, grasp the key points according to the classification of functions, Duty, each responsible, coordinated operation, effective checks and balances of state-owned corporate governance structure. At the same time, the operational efficiency of state-owned capital also exposed the drawbacks of its operating system. This article will discuss the significance and optimization direction of the establishment of a modern enterprise system for the preservation and increment of state-owned capital, and make the preparation of state-owned capital more scientific and more rational in structure.
<正>据2009中国巧克力峰会主办单位最新消息,来自西班牙的顶尖巧克力商Oriol Balaquer联同The Spanish Pantry,将携手09峰会全面开拓亚洲市场,尤其是中国