长江中的流砂(又称江砂、青砂)含量很大。每年冬季的枯水季节,流砂在中下游两岸形成砂洲,年年如此,真可谓“取之不尽,用之有竭”,而且挖掘和运输都很方便。这种砂质纯,粘土含量低于10%,有机物含量低,无草根、树皮等杂物。1982年,我厂曾多次采样进行化验。化验结果:SiO_2 69.3%,Al_2O_3 8.7%,Fe_2O_3 4.4%,CaO 5.5%,MgO 4.6%。我们曾将一批这种流砂送到兄弟厂试生产。生产出来的灰砂砖外观好,抗压强度为125公斤/厘米~2。
The flow of sand in the Yangtze River (also known as Jiangsha, Qingsha) is very high. In the dry season of winter each year, quicksand forms a sandbank on both sides of the midstream and downstream. This is true every year. It can be described as “inexhaustible and exhaustive” and it is convenient for excavation and transportation. This sandy, pure, clay content is less than 10%, organic content is low, no grassy roots, bark and other debris. In 1982, our factory had sampled many times for testing. Test results: SiO 2 69.3%, Al 2 O 3 8.7%, Fe 2 O 3 4.4%, CaO 5.5%, MgO 4.6%. We have sent a batch of this flowing sand to the sister factory for trial production. The lime sand brick produced has a good appearance and the compressive strength is 125 kg/cm~2.