Angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) is an important factor in the control of glomerular hemodynamics. In the glomerular mesangium and the output of arterioles have their high affinity receptors. The authors longitudinally observed the expression of angiotensin II receptor in the glomerulus of rat anti-basal membranous nephritis. To understand the immune-induced glomerular damage, glomerular angiotensin Ⅱ receptor (Ang Ⅱ R) and circulating blood Ang Ⅱ receptor abnormalities. Two months after the administration of a single dose of goat anti-mouse antibody, the Ang IIR of pure glomeruli was measured by the Scatchacd method and the circulating AngII concentration was also measured. At 16 hours after antibody injection, its receptor density decreased by about 50% (control group 96.4 ± 9.3 × 10 ~ 6, nephritis group 52.6 ± 56 × 10 ~ 6, receptor / glomerular, P <0.001. Plasma Ang Ⅱ increased 3 times in the control group 21 ± 2.5, nephritis group 66.6 ± 206 pg / ml,