2002年是Rite Aid历史上具有转折意义的一年。 Rite Aid的扩张经历可谓惨痛。1997年,Rite Aid启动了大规模的扩张计划,从1997年到1999年年底Rite Aid收购的药店总数多达1554家,更换了866家分店的店址,新开445家分店,并对308家分店进行了装修改建。此外它还兼并了一家PBM公司(药房收益管理公司,这些公司代表处方药付费的第三方,其目的就是在保证治疗效果的同时降低治疗成本)。这样大规模
2002 is a turning point in Rite Aid’s history. Rite Aid’s expansion experience can be described as painful. In 1997, Rite Aid launched a large-scale expansion plan. From the end of 1997 to the end of 1999, the total number of pharmacies Rite Aid acquired was 1,554, replacing the 866 branch stores, opening 445 new branches and 308 Branch was renovated. In addition, it merged with a PBM company (pharmacy yield management company, which represents a third party to pay for prescription drugs, with the goal of reducing the cost of treatment while ensuring the benefits of treatment.) Such a large scale