世界上有两个国家的军歌是同一位作曲家创作的。这两个国家就是中国和朝鲜,这位伟大的作曲家就是郑律成。 1938年春的一次联欢晚会上,20岁的丁雪松第一次见到与她同岁的郑律成。当坐在台下的观众听说他就是郑律成时,立即报以雷鸣般的掌声,因为大家太喜爱他的《延安颂》了! 《延安颂》是他19岁时的作品。郑律成中等个儿,宽肩膀,脸部棱角分明,有很强的雕塑感。他笑盈盈走到台前,表演了一个绝活儿。他用铁丝把口琴系在一个支架上,一边吹,一边弹着曼陀铃,脚下还踏着打击乐器。他的演奏引起满堂彩声。
The military songs of two countries in the world are created by the same composer. These two countries are China and North Korea. The great composer is Zheng Law Cheng. At a gala in the spring of 1938, Ding Xuesong, 20, first met Zheng Law Cheng, of her age. When the audience seated under the stage heard that he was Zheng Luocheng, he immediately reported thunderous applause because everyone loves his “Yan’an Song”! “Yan’an Song” is his 19-year-old work. Cheng law into a medium, wide shoulders, face angular, there is a strong sense of sculpture. He walked to the stage with a smile, performing a wonderful job. He fastened the harmonica to a bracket with wire, blowing mandolin while playing the percussion instrument. His performance caused a lot of room.