Patient male, age 40 years old. 20 hours before admission, after drinking alcohol to stimulate pharyngeal vomiting, vomiting after vomiting, vomiting without abdominal pain, that is sent to our hospital emergency department, oral norepinephrine, thrombin, Losec infusion infusion hemostatic Fang Acid, vitamin K and other treatment, during which hematemesis is still 11 times, blood in the stool 2 times, blood loss of about 3000 ml, although the blood transfusion 1200 ml, no improvement in the condition of income into our department. Admission check, T36.8 ℃, P100 beats / min, R22 beats / min, BP11 / 9kPa. Anemia appearance, pale conjunctiva, cardiopulmonary (a), soft abdominal tenderness. Blood routine Hb42.9g / L, RBC1.43 × 10 ~ (12) / L, WBC9.2 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N0.9%, hematocrit 14%. Patients without cirrhosis and history of peptic ulcer disease.