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《了不起的盖茨比》被誉为20世纪最伟大的英文小说之一,是“爵士时代的桂冠诗人”——美国天才小说家菲茨杰拉德的重要代表作。这部作品在思想和艺术层面都达到了很高的境界,其完美独特的语言表现力和蕴涵的深刻社会意义赢得了读者和评论家们的广泛赞誉,被公认为是美国文学经典名著。自20世纪80年代至今,该作品数量众多的中译本相继面世,其中翻译家巫宁坤(1983版)和姚乃强(2004版)的两个中译本,在语言风格和流畅通达等方面较之其他译本更为我国读者所接受和认可。本文在分析和对比这两个译本翻译策略和风格的基础上,着重探讨翻译目的论和译者主体性对翻译策略选取的影响。 “The Great Gatsby,” hailed as one of the greatest English novels of the 20th century, is “the laureate poet of the jazz era” - an important masterpiece by American genius novelist Fitzgerald. The work has reached a very high level both ideologically and artistically. Its unique and unique language expression and deep social significance have earned wide acclaim from readers and critics and are widely recognized as classics of American literature. Since the 1980s, a large number of Chinese translations have been published, of which the two Chinese versions of Wu Ningkun (1983 edition) and Yao Naqiang (2004 edition) have more features in terms of language style and fluent accessibility than other versions Accepted and recognized for our readers. On the basis of analyzing and comparing the translation strategies and styles of these two translations, this paper focuses on the influence of translating translators’ subjectivity and translator’s subjectivity on the selection of translation strategies.