位于杨浦区平凉路403号的沪东状元楼,是沪上历史最久,至今仍在经营传统甬式菜点的特色菜馆。 沪东状元楼始建于1921年。经过近80年的洗礼,饭店几经装修,经理和厨师也换了几任但传统甬式菜肴的风味至今不变。与此同时,在挖掘传统甬式菜肴的同时,还有所创新,推出适合上海人口味、也深受宁波人喜爱的海派特色宁波菜。 沪东状元楼总经理阮汝玮先生介绍,沪东状元楼经营的是甬式菜肴,但又不完全局限于传统甬菜。沪
Located in No. 403, Pingliang Road, Yangpu District, the Hudong Zhuanyuan Building is the oldest specialty restaurant in Shanghai that still operates traditional Yong-style dishes. Hudong champion floor was built in 1921. After nearly 80 years of baptism, the hotel has been renovated, the manager and chef also changed a few, but the flavor of the traditional Yong-style dishes so far unchanged. In the meantime, while tapping traditional Yong-style dishes, there are also innovations in launching Ningbo cuisine that is popular with Shanghai people and also popular with Ningbo people. Hutong champion floor, general manager Mr. Ruanru Wei introduced Hudong champion floor business is the Yong dishes, but not entirely limited to the traditional Yong dishes. Shanghai