(一) 《游褒禅山记》选自《临川先生文集》。作者王安石(公元1021—1086年),字介甫,号半山,北宋抚州临川(今江西临川县)人,是我国历史上著名的政治改革家、文学家。幼时好学,博览群书,曾随父宦游各地。他为人刚直不阿,有“矫世变俗之志”。宋仁宗庆历二年(公元1042年)中进士后,曾任淮南判官、鄞县知县、舒州通判等地方官职,使他有机会接触人民,了解人民的疾苦。在他任职的地区内,实行了一些政治改革,做出了卓著的成绩,显示了他的政治才能,逐步树立了实行变法的志向。嘉
(1) “Youshan Zen Mountain” is selected from the “Mr Linchuan Collection.” The author Wang Anshi (1021–1086 AD), the character of Jizhong, No. 5 Banshan, Linchuan (now Linchuan County) in Fuzhou, Northern Song Dynasty, is a famous political reformer and writer in the history of our country. When he was young, he was ready to learn, read books, and traveled with his father. He is an upright man and has “a record of changing the world”. In the second year of the Qing calendar year (AD 1042), Song Renzong was appointed as a judge of Huainan, a county of Jixian County, and a pass of Shuzhou, which gave him the opportunity to contact the people and understand the suffering of the people. In the area where he worked, he has implemented some political reforms, made outstanding achievements, demonstrated his political ability, and gradually established his aspiration to implement the reform. Jia