本文介绍了如何提高用於电冰箱的卧式滚动转子式压缩机的效率。在滚动转子式压缩机中,排气损失和泄漏损失是影响压缩机效率的主要因素,通过下述三项试验研究,显著改善了压缩机的性能特征。 (1)把整个排气系统假定为一个小孔而确定排气压力损失。 (2)测定滑片和转子之间的间隙及损失。 (3)利用有限无法改进轴承的设计来提高效率,降低噪声。
This article describes how to improve the efficiency of horizontal rolling-rotor compressors used in refrigerators. In rolling-rotor compressors, exhaust loss and leakage loss are the main factors affecting the compressor efficiency. The performance characteristics of the compressor are significantly improved by the following three experimental studies. (1) The entire exhaust system is assumed to be a small hole to determine the exhaust pressure loss. (2) Determination of the gap between the vane and the rotor and loss. (3) use of limited design can not improve the bearing to improve efficiency and reduce noise.