对中国大陆这样一个庞大的消费市场,是众所瞩目的。去年十月八日至十二日,在大陆北京举行了一场九四年中国国际眼镜业展览会,日本社团法人福井县眼镜协会(主席长谷川正美)和福井县光学产品进出口商业同业工会(理事长手贺久三)首度联合参加这场展出,并针对大陆眼镜市场的现况进行调查,共同发表一份报告书。 在这份报告书的项目有: 一、大陆及北京、上海之一般状况:包括面积、人口、城市资料和目前的情势等等。 二、大陆的眼镜产业:产业团体之概要和进出口现况等等。 三、94年中国光学眼镜展:展出状况、展览报告、问卷调查等等。
This is a huge consumer market that is attracting attention in mainland China. From October 8th to December 12th last year, a 94th China International Optics Fair was held in Beijing, mainland China. The Japanese Association of Fukui Eyeglasses (Chairman Tanigawa Masami) and Fukui Optical Products Import & Export Trade Association (Director-in-Chief Hejiu Hisaoka) participated in the exhibition for the first time and conducted investigations on the current situation of the mainland’s spectacle market and jointly published a report. The items in this report are: I. General status of China, Beijing, and Shanghai: including area, population, city data, current situation, and so on. Second, the mainland’s optical industry: a summary of industrial groups and the status of imports and exports and so on. Third, the 94 China Optical Glasses Exhibition: exhibition status, exhibition reports, questionnaires and so on.