The Differences between British English and American

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  How to communicate with foreigners better? This is a question to all of the English speakers.
  1、How to distinguish the British English and American English for English speakers?
  Firstly, about the phonetic symbols. The phonetic symbols are the foundation of learning English language. You know that there are three kinds of phonetic symbols - IPA, DJ and KK. And there are relations among them, so it is quite easy to distinguish. You can find that all of the phonetic symbols are the same in general, besides the pronunciation of a few of them. You must listen to the standard pronunciation of phonetic symbols a lot and get more and more practice to read loudly, correctly.
  Secondly, about the words and phrases. These two are also important. You'd better sum up the different usages of words and phrases between British English and American English, and remember them as many as possible. Because these words and phrases are limited, it's pretty easy to remember and use. It is important to accumulate every day.
  Thirdly, about the sentences. You know the sentences are the most important in communications. Some of the usages are totally different between British English and American English. In British English, people speak completely and accurately. But, in American English, people often use omissions and liaisons, because Americans like to be simple. How to distinguish them? I can give you some suggestions:
  First, You must listen more and more to VOA or BBC. They are the authoritative broadcasting stations in American and British, so the pronunciations are no need for suspicions, of cause standard.
  Second, Meanwhile, you must imitate the intonations on VOA or BBC by speaking loudly.
  Third, In everyday life, there isn't a environment to practice the oral English. So, you'd better find the Americans or Britons to practice with in Native American English or British English.
  2、How to solve the problems of pronunciation?
  It is a bother that when you meet a foreigner, don't know whether to talk to her in British English or American English. The ideal solution is that if someone speaks in British English, you'd better use British English as well; if someone speaks in American English, you'd better use American English, too. You need to master these two languages accurately. I think it's impossible. Because, English is only a language, it needs a large amount of accumulations for a long time. It's difficult to master one language accurately, let alone two. The practical solutions are:   First, You'd better master one of them. No matter you meet Americans or Britons; you can use this language which you mastered to talk to them. But, you must pay attention to the customs of the language usages in the US and the UK.
  Second, Maybe it's difficult to communicate with foreigners in either British English or American English. Now, it's so popular to use Canadian English and Australian English. These two languages are similar to British English and American English. Moreover they are between them. Generally, Canadian pronunciation is almost identical to American pronunciation, especially in Ontario, which was first settled by Americans who supported George during the Revolution and Australian pronunciation is more or less the Cockney one of the last 18th century because it was settled by English-speaking people. But, they also have their distinctive features to British English and American English. Now I will give some examples to show the differences between them.
  Australian English British English
  Pound(p?und) Pound(p?und)
  That(thet) That(that)
  Dance(d?nce) Dance(da:nce)
  Canadian English American English
  House(hoase) House(hoose)
  Out(oat) Out(oot)
  Caller(caller) Caller(collar)
  Obviously, Australian English has the same quality with British English, but some of it also close to American English. And the same to Canadian English. In my opinion, if you master one of these two languages, it will be easier for you to communicate with foreigners, because these two languages absorbed the creams of British English and American English. Both of Americans and Britons can understand what you mean, and reduce the misunderstandings of the differences of language usages.
  From the above, English is a language and a communicative instrument; it needs a large amount of accumulations for a long time. It also needs a long time to comprehend the differences between British English and American English on phonetics. Of cause, the phonetic is just one part of the differences. With the advance of the society, the differences of British English and American English will be more and more obvious. As long as we are good at observing and accumulating, I believe we can use English better and better to communicate with every foreigner.
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2011版修订的历史课标中指出:注重初中学生的心理特征和认知水平,了解学生的生活经验和知识基础,结合具体、生动的史实,从多方面调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生学习历史的兴趣,培养学生的问题意识,引导学生主动地进行历史学习,积极参与历史教学活动。我在多年的历史教学实践中,通过自己不断地学习与探索,逐步形成、掌握了一些培养学习兴趣的方法。本文就教学中的点滴体会谈谈自己的看法。  一、培养学习兴趣的前提 
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