红(木乚米)木嫩枝扦插红(木乚米)木(Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum)是金缕梅科的常绿灌木或小乔木,其嫩枝、叶和花均为红色,是非常少见的观赏花木和树桩盆景材料。扦插用当年生半木质化的嫩枝,用200ppm的吲(口朶)丁酸溶液浸插枝基部6—8小时,后插于蛭石盆内,用薄膜保湿,插后15天生根,一个月后生根率达96%。嫩枝扦插在5—10月生长季节随时可以进行,大量育苗一年可插3批。嫩枝扦插比老枝扦插成活率高、苗木质量好。
Red (Clogs) Wood Shoots (Loropetalum chinense var. Rubrum) is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the genus Hamamelis, with red twigs, leaves and flowers all of which are very Rare ornamental trees and stump bonsai materials. Cuttings were used to produce half-lignified twigs, with 200ppm indole (mouth) butyric acid solution dipped plug base for 6-8 hours, then inserted in vermiculite pots, with film moisturizing, 15 days after rooting, a After the rooting rate of 96%. Softwood cutting in the May-October growing season can be carried out at any time, a large number of seedlings can be inserted three batches a year. Softwood cutting survival rate than the old branch cuttings, seedlings of good quality.