Reforms that Shape the Future

来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magi9999
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  The world economy is currently under pressure due to in-depth structural adjustments in the wake of the financial crisis, from which its recovery has been much slower than expected. some countries are still absorbing the detrimental effects of the crisis such as deep debt and high unemployment. Maintaining growth is the priority of most economies. Having long maintained rapid growth driven by second-mover advantages, against this backdrop China has lowered its growth target. In carrying out in-depth restructuring, China will launch a series of reforms aimed at maintaining medium-to-high growth in a more sustainable way while continuing to contribute to the world economy.
  By grasping such opportunities as urbanization and the rise of the middle class, among others, the country expects to enhance its economic structure to the level of the mid-to-high end of the industrial chain while improving the quality and efficiency of its economic development. supply-side structural reform aims at boosting economy through consumption. development of high-tech and the Internet is also expected to inject new growth impetus. What’s more, limiting government intervention will enlarge the role of the market. These deep, thoroughgoing reforms will generate encouraging prospects for both China and the global economy as a whole.

【摘要】“管理无定势,事事皆学问”,班级离不开管理,更离不开哲学式管理,需要管理者潜心琢磨管理方法,不断探寻管理中严与爱的切合点。  【关键词】管理;班级公约;学生需要;班会活动;课外活动  【中图分类号】G630 【文献标识码】A  驻足回望,在教育战线上工作已三年多了,我深刻体会到做老师的艰辛和快乐。著名作家席慕蓉说:“生命是一条奔腾不息的河流,我们都是那个过河的人。在生命之河的左岸是忘记,在
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【摘要】采用实验语音学的方法研究桐城方言单字声调的音高特征,用Lz-score的方法对原始基频数据进行标准化处理,而后根据五度标调法的原则来确定声调的调值,再与传统调查的方言声调进行比较分析。  【关键词】桐城方言;单字调;Lz-score:基频归一  【中图分类号】H07 【文献标识码】A  一、引言  桐城市位于安徽省中部偏西南、长江北岸、大别山东麓,东邻庐江、枞阳县,西比邻潜山县,北接舒城县