中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-10-0-02
近年来,我国日益加强本国文化对外输出的力度,组织了大量人力翻译本国优秀作品。然而英译作品质量参差不齐,甚至出现了很多问题。《颜氏家训》就是其中之一。《颜氏家训》是我国南北朝时北齐文学家颜之推的传世代表作。他结合自己的人生经历、处世哲学,写成《颜氏家训》一书告诫子孙。颜氏家训由我国译者宗福常翻译。译文整体而言准确,得体,较好的传达了原文的内容,风格和思想。然而, 由于种种原因,《颜氏家訓》的英译文还是存在一定的问题。问题主要集中在误译、漏译及译文的简洁,注释缺乏等四方面,其中误译在语言和文化层面都有一定瑕疵。
原译:All people…have the desire to know and judge.
原文的意思是,世上的人无论愚蠢还是聪明,都希望结识的人多,见识的事广,而原译文的know and judge 仅仅表示认识与评价,意思是认识人,知道人,有评判能力,不能涵盖原文的意思。故可做如下改译:have the desire to get acquainted with more people and have a broad horizon…
原译:A coward may brace up and forge ahead undoubtedly of he can be shown those exemplary ancients who, upright and steadfast, abided by the will of Heaven…
原文是说要让他们看看古人是如何通达乐观,随遇而安的,原译中abided by the will of Heaven…意思为遵照上天的意愿。达生委命是通达乐观,随遇而安,寓意较为积极,且随遇而安可理解为对于遇到任何事都能很坦然,安然,所以做如下改译:who, upright and steadfast, were optimistic and took whatever they experienced in life easily
原译:In the Han Dynasty, talented and virtuous people each specialized in one ancient classics. Because they know the trends of times and the ways the world, many of them rose to the highest civilian posts.
这句译成现代汉语是汉代的贤才俊士,都靠一部经书来弘扬圣人之道,他们上通天文,下通人事,以此得到卿相职位的人可多了。上通天文,下通人事前面讲的是圣人之道,所以上明天时应该是指明白圣人之道,下该人事与其相对应该是的是普通平民的生活,所以可以做如下改译:Their knowledge of sages’ doctrines and civilians’ way of life enabled them to rise to the highest posts.,
原译:When they grew up and entered civil service they had scarcely completed their studies. 原文译作现代汉语为步入到仕途年龄后,就让他们参与文吏事物,因此很少有人把学业坚持到底的。愿译存在两个问题,首先,原译使用过去完成时,意思变成在他们步入仕途年龄,参与文吏事物之前,他们很少有把学业坚持到底的。意思与原文不符。第二个问题,原文有坚持的含义在里面,愿意没有表达出来。因此原译可做如下改动:they scarcely had the determination to complete their studies
原译:The two are the incarnation of despairing abandonment and philosophical resignation. 此任纵之徒耳 意思是指两人仅仅是追求无拘无束,自由自在而已。含有积极的含义,而且这句话指老子庄子,老庄的思想并非原译中所表现的那样绝望,厌食,因此,原译不论从语言上还是从风格上都与原文不符。可做如下改译:Their only wish is to live a life without restrictions and burdens.
原译:were to theoretical and hair-splitting to be useful for benefitting the country or reforming the world.
原文说的是于国于民都没什么益处,没有提到原译中变革世界这个概念,而且变革世界这一说法也与原文的思想差的很远,原文事实说要有利于国家和人民,和变革世界没有关系。所以原译可做如下改动were to theoretical and hair-splitting to be useful for benefitting the country or the people.
原译:…they do not care much about philosophical studies…
原文意为然而对于文字,他们却漫不经心。原译中的philosophical studies 指哲学上的研究,与原文不符,而且从上下文也无法推断是哲学研究这个隐含意义。原文的前面“夫文字者,坟籍根本”,意思是“对于郡国山川,官位姓足,衣服饮食,器皿制度,都要寻根纠底,弄清他们的缘由。原文后面“己身姓名,或多乖舛,纵得不误,亦未知所由。意思是即使不出错,也不知道他的来由。原文前后文,说的都是事物的来由,因此,原文中的“文字”二字,可以理解为文字的起源或文字背后的故事。因此,改译如下they care little about the studies of what is behind the characters and the origin of them。
原译:Actually, nothing whatever can be hidden from a scholar who is determined to acquire knowledge-neither by Heavens and Earth, nor by deities and spirits.
原文中用了介词by,原文指的是天地鬼神间的事,也是瞒不过他们的,就是说天上人间的事,用介词by不恰当,by无法表示地点。所以可以改为: Nothing, whether in the Heaven or on the earth, by deities or spirits, can be hidden from a diligent scholar。
原译:When the pupils reached adulthood, the crucial years of character formation
婚礼就更不是指18岁成年那个时候了。 所以,原译课改为When pupil reach 20 years old or get married, their characters are well developed.
原译:However, they could have avoided such disgraceful embarrassment of they had done a few years of diligent study in their younger days.
原文中“一生愧辱哉”指“弄得一生蒙羞受辱”,原译中没有表达出一生这一概念,属漏译,所以可适当增补原:However, they could have avoided such disgraceful embarrassment throughout their life if they had done a few years of diligent study in their younger days.
原译:In Yechen, there goes a rhyme making fun of such people: “A scholar is in the market for a donkey. He has written a contract that is long and cranky. On the three pages there’s not a word of donkey .”
原文是一个谚语,形式上每句四个字,十分整齐。且作为谚语,原文也十分简洁。译文将原文谚语的形式改成了一个故事。变得十分拖沓,与原文风格相差很大。因此可做适当改译,原文的四字形式,在英语译文中得到还原难度很大,因此可从简洁的角度进行重译,部分还原原文风格。改译如下:In Yechen, there goes a proverb making fun of such people: “There is not a word of donkey in ascholar’s three-page contract for it”.
汉英翻译是为了向西方国家,宣传我国传统文化,提高文化输出的水平,因此在翻译过程中,对于西方人所不了解的含有文化内涵的词或特定的历史时代,历史人物的专有名词,就应当适当加注,让外国人对于中国文化,历史有所了解。然而,译文中有较多历史著名人物或特定歷史时期没有进行加注,这将有碍于文化的传播。比如“为将则暗与孙武,吴起同术”中的孙武,“魏武,袁遗,老尔弥笃” 中的“魏武”以及138页的译文“Su Qing of the Warring States Periods” 中”Warring States Periods” a都未加注。在翻译中这几处可适当加注:Sunwu (BC 544-BC 470)a famous militarist in ancient China;Caocao (155-220) a famous militarist, statesman in ancient China;Su Qing of the Warring States Periods (BC 475-BC 221)。
中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-10-0-02
近年来,我国日益加强本国文化对外输出的力度,组织了大量人力翻译本国优秀作品。然而英译作品质量参差不齐,甚至出现了很多问题。《颜氏家训》就是其中之一。《颜氏家训》是我国南北朝时北齐文学家颜之推的传世代表作。他结合自己的人生经历、处世哲学,写成《颜氏家训》一书告诫子孙。颜氏家训由我国译者宗福常翻译。译文整体而言准确,得体,较好的传达了原文的内容,风格和思想。然而, 由于种种原因,《颜氏家訓》的英译文还是存在一定的问题。问题主要集中在误译、漏译及译文的简洁,注释缺乏等四方面,其中误译在语言和文化层面都有一定瑕疵。
原译:All people…have the desire to know and judge.
原文的意思是,世上的人无论愚蠢还是聪明,都希望结识的人多,见识的事广,而原译文的know and judge 仅仅表示认识与评价,意思是认识人,知道人,有评判能力,不能涵盖原文的意思。故可做如下改译:have the desire to get acquainted with more people and have a broad horizon…
原译:A coward may brace up and forge ahead undoubtedly of he can be shown those exemplary ancients who, upright and steadfast, abided by the will of Heaven…
原文是说要让他们看看古人是如何通达乐观,随遇而安的,原译中abided by the will of Heaven…意思为遵照上天的意愿。达生委命是通达乐观,随遇而安,寓意较为积极,且随遇而安可理解为对于遇到任何事都能很坦然,安然,所以做如下改译:who, upright and steadfast, were optimistic and took whatever they experienced in life easily
原译:In the Han Dynasty, talented and virtuous people each specialized in one ancient classics. Because they know the trends of times and the ways the world, many of them rose to the highest civilian posts.
这句译成现代汉语是汉代的贤才俊士,都靠一部经书来弘扬圣人之道,他们上通天文,下通人事,以此得到卿相职位的人可多了。上通天文,下通人事前面讲的是圣人之道,所以上明天时应该是指明白圣人之道,下该人事与其相对应该是的是普通平民的生活,所以可以做如下改译:Their knowledge of sages’ doctrines and civilians’ way of life enabled them to rise to the highest posts.,
原译:When they grew up and entered civil service they had scarcely completed their studies. 原文译作现代汉语为步入到仕途年龄后,就让他们参与文吏事物,因此很少有人把学业坚持到底的。愿译存在两个问题,首先,原译使用过去完成时,意思变成在他们步入仕途年龄,参与文吏事物之前,他们很少有把学业坚持到底的。意思与原文不符。第二个问题,原文有坚持的含义在里面,愿意没有表达出来。因此原译可做如下改动:they scarcely had the determination to complete their studies
原译:The two are the incarnation of despairing abandonment and philosophical resignation. 此任纵之徒耳 意思是指两人仅仅是追求无拘无束,自由自在而已。含有积极的含义,而且这句话指老子庄子,老庄的思想并非原译中所表现的那样绝望,厌食,因此,原译不论从语言上还是从风格上都与原文不符。可做如下改译:Their only wish is to live a life without restrictions and burdens.
原译:were to theoretical and hair-splitting to be useful for benefitting the country or reforming the world.
原文说的是于国于民都没什么益处,没有提到原译中变革世界这个概念,而且变革世界这一说法也与原文的思想差的很远,原文事实说要有利于国家和人民,和变革世界没有关系。所以原译可做如下改动were to theoretical and hair-splitting to be useful for benefitting the country or the people.
原译:…they do not care much about philosophical studies…
原文意为然而对于文字,他们却漫不经心。原译中的philosophical studies 指哲学上的研究,与原文不符,而且从上下文也无法推断是哲学研究这个隐含意义。原文的前面“夫文字者,坟籍根本”,意思是“对于郡国山川,官位姓足,衣服饮食,器皿制度,都要寻根纠底,弄清他们的缘由。原文后面“己身姓名,或多乖舛,纵得不误,亦未知所由。意思是即使不出错,也不知道他的来由。原文前后文,说的都是事物的来由,因此,原文中的“文字”二字,可以理解为文字的起源或文字背后的故事。因此,改译如下they care little about the studies of what is behind the characters and the origin of them。
原译:Actually, nothing whatever can be hidden from a scholar who is determined to acquire knowledge-neither by Heavens and Earth, nor by deities and spirits.
原文中用了介词by,原文指的是天地鬼神间的事,也是瞒不过他们的,就是说天上人间的事,用介词by不恰当,by无法表示地点。所以可以改为: Nothing, whether in the Heaven or on the earth, by deities or spirits, can be hidden from a diligent scholar。
原译:When the pupils reached adulthood, the crucial years of character formation
婚礼就更不是指18岁成年那个时候了。 所以,原译课改为When pupil reach 20 years old or get married, their characters are well developed.
原译:However, they could have avoided such disgraceful embarrassment of they had done a few years of diligent study in their younger days.
原文中“一生愧辱哉”指“弄得一生蒙羞受辱”,原译中没有表达出一生这一概念,属漏译,所以可适当增补原:However, they could have avoided such disgraceful embarrassment throughout their life if they had done a few years of diligent study in their younger days.
原译:In Yechen, there goes a rhyme making fun of such people: “A scholar is in the market for a donkey. He has written a contract that is long and cranky. On the three pages there’s not a word of donkey .”
原文是一个谚语,形式上每句四个字,十分整齐。且作为谚语,原文也十分简洁。译文将原文谚语的形式改成了一个故事。变得十分拖沓,与原文风格相差很大。因此可做适当改译,原文的四字形式,在英语译文中得到还原难度很大,因此可从简洁的角度进行重译,部分还原原文风格。改译如下:In Yechen, there goes a proverb making fun of such people: “There is not a word of donkey in ascholar’s three-page contract for it”.
汉英翻译是为了向西方国家,宣传我国传统文化,提高文化输出的水平,因此在翻译过程中,对于西方人所不了解的含有文化内涵的词或特定的历史时代,历史人物的专有名词,就应当适当加注,让外国人对于中国文化,历史有所了解。然而,译文中有较多历史著名人物或特定歷史时期没有进行加注,这将有碍于文化的传播。比如“为将则暗与孙武,吴起同术”中的孙武,“魏武,袁遗,老尔弥笃” 中的“魏武”以及138页的译文“Su Qing of the Warring States Periods” 中”Warring States Periods” a都未加注。在翻译中这几处可适当加注:Sunwu (BC 544-BC 470)a famous militarist in ancient China;Caocao (155-220) a famous militarist, statesman in ancient China;Su Qing of the Warring States Periods (BC 475-BC 221)。