我省小麦生产上,氮素化肥以往大多作苗期或生长中后期追肥施用。近年来,为了防止氮素的挥发损失,各地推广了氮素化肥基施的措施:即把小麦氮素化肥的一部分,提前至播种时结合整地施用。 然而氮素化肥基施对小麦生理与产量形成的影响如何,却很少进行研究。国外有关这方面的资料结论也不尽一致。有的试验证明,施用高量氮时,播种时施用比生长期追肥小麦的增产效果更好。但也有相反的报道。本试验就氮素化肥基施对小麦氮吸收、干物质累积与产量的影响等进行了研究,可供生产上合理施用氮素化肥、促进小麦生产参考。 材料与方法 试验于1983~1984年在兴化县农科所田间进
Wheat production in our province, most of the nitrogen fertilizer in the past for the late seedling growth or top dressing application. In recent years, in order to prevent the loss of nitrogen volatilization, various measures have been popularized around the base of nitrogenous fertilizers: a part of the nitrogenous fertilizers of wheat is applied in combination with land preparation before sowing. However, the effect of nitrogenous fertilizers on wheat physiological and yield formation is seldom studied. Foreign data in this area are not conclusive conclusions. Some experiments show that the application of high amounts of nitrogen, the application of sowing than the growth stage topdressing wheat yield better. But there are opposite reports. In this experiment, we studied the effects of nitrogen and chemical fertilizers on nitrogen absorption, dry matter accumulation and yield of wheat, which could be used for the rational application of nitrogenous fertilizers in wheat production and the promotion of wheat production. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted in the field of agricultural sciences in Xinghua County from 1983 to 1984