素食就是指植物性食物,包括蔬菜、豆腐、海藻类、食用菌等。 蔬菜是维持生命不可缺少的食物,人们可以长期不吃荤腥,却不能老不吃蔬菜。蔬菜中饱含着各种维生素、矿物质、蛋白质和糖,其营养价值很高。由于含有丰富的维生素,蔬菜赢得了一个美名:“维生素的仓库”。维生素对人体健康的重要性,这是经过很多血的教训以后才认识的。15世纪时,欧洲的冒险家们为了追求香料和黄金,纷纷乘帆船横渡海洋去争夺殖民地。由于没带蔬菜,在航行途中,海员们常被一种瘟神似的坏血病缠绕着,吞噬了成千上万人的生命。1519年,葡萄牙航海家麦哲伦率领的远洋船队,从南美洲西岸向太平洋进发,由于船上缺乏新鲜蔬菜,只肮行了三个月,很多船员都生了病。有的牙床破了,有的鼻孔流血,有的浑身无力,无法干活,并不断地感染了各种疾病,以至昏迷死亡,结果200多名船员,最后活着的只剩下35人。这个故事充分说明蔬菜对人的生存和健康是何等重要! 为什么人体需要蔬菜的营养呢?因为蔬菜
Vegetarian refers to plant foods, including vegetables, tofu, seaweed, edible mushrooms and so on. Vegetables are indispensable to the maintenance of life of food, people can eat long-term Hunxing, but can not always eat vegetables. Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and sugars, which have high nutritional value. As a result of rich in vitamins, vegetables won a reputation: “vitamin warehouse.” The importance of vitamins to human health is not known until after a lot of blood has learned. In the 15th century, European adventurers crossed the sea for sailing colonies in search of spices and gold. Because they did not bring vegetables, seafarers were often entangled in a kind of plague-like scurvy on the voyage, swallowing the lives of thousands of people. In 1519, the ocean-going fleet led by Portuguese navigator Magellan proceeded from the western coast of South America to the Pacific Ocean. Many crew members were sick because of the lack of fresh vegetables on board, which only lasted for three months. Some gums were broken, some were bleeding, some were weak, unable to work, and constantly infected with various diseases, and even died of coma, resulting in more than 200 crew members, the last remaining only 35 people alive. This story fully shows how important vegetables are to human survival and health! Why does the body need vegetable nutrition? Because vegetables