生产效率就是指在产品生产活动中产出与投入的百分比值。产出,包括两方面:一是数量意义上的成果,如产量;二是产品和技术质量意义上的成果,如质量。投入,即成本,包括:原辅材料、劳动力、设备、能源等的使用。目前,许多鞋企都存在着生产效率低落的现象,而面对激烈的竞争,鞋企究竟如何提高生产效率?本文从分析制鞋企业生产效率低落的现象和影响生产效率的因素入手,来寻求提高鞋企生产效率的有效途径。1 生产效率低落的现象和影响生产效率的因素(1)生产调度、协调能力低下鞋企的生产特点是多楦型、多品种、订单量小而繁杂。现实中,鞋企没有充分利用“投产的楦型多时,优先照顾赶货品”这一原则,来协调生产,而是盲目加工,导致无法保证日常生产的楦型周转而影响生产进度,增高生产成本。(2)工作时间长,单位时间产量低下一般鞋企的员工素质较低、纪律较差、按惯例行事、作业无节奏感,每日难以保质保量完成任务,导致管理者不得不延长工作时间。
Productivity refers to the percentage of output and input in the production of a product. Output, including two aspects: First, the number of results, such as production; second is the product and technology quality results, such as quality. Input, that is, costs, including: raw and auxiliary materials, labor, equipment, energy use. At present, many shoes have the phenomenon of low production efficiency, and in the face of fierce competition, how to improve shoe production efficiency? This paper analyzes the phenomenon of shoe-making enterprises to reduce production efficiency and efficiency factors to start with Effective way to improve shoe production efficiency. 1 low production efficiency and the impact of production efficiency factors (1) production scheduling, low coordination ability The production of shoe is more last type, variety, order quantity is small and complicated. In fact, the shoe does not make full use of “the production of the last type, the priority to take care of goods” principle, to coordinate the production, but blind processing, resulting in the daily production can not be guaranteed to affect the production schedule and increase turnover Cost of production. (2) long working hours, low output per unit of time General shoe prices lower staff, poor discipline, routine practice, work a sense of rhythm, daily quality and quantity to complete the task, resulting in managers had to extend working hours .