依据欧盟委员会(EC)No1924/2006法规第14节,法国乳品工业协会通过法国主管当局请求欧盟食品安全局膳食、营养与过敏专家组(NDA Panel)提供一份关于“铁和儿童认知发育之间关系的健康声明”的科学意见。铁具有很重要的代谢功能,如运输氧气和参与许多氧化还原反应等。
In accordance with Section 14 of the European Commission (EC) No 1924/2006 Regulation, the Dairy Industry Association of France requests the French Food and Drug Administration’s NDA Panel for a review on “Iron and Child Cognition and Development The relationship between the health statement ”scientific advice. Iron has important metabolic functions such as transporting oxygen and participating in many redox reactions.