[教学内容]本课为第五册音乐内容。 [教学目标] 1.能用自然、亲切的声音学会唱《多年以前》,能 体会歌曲的基本情绪和其中蕴涵的环保意识。通过 学唱歌,使学生懂得环保对人类的重要性。 2.学习音乐知识四分休止符“0”,使学生了解、 掌握它的时值,并正确运用于音乐实践活动。 3.通过描绘美丽的家园,丰富学生想像力,培养 创造力,从而进一步增强环保意识。牢固树立“保护
[Teaching Content] This lesson is the fifth volume of music content. [Teaching goal] 1. Can learn to sing “many years ago” with natural and warm voice, and can understand the basic emotion of the song and the environmental awareness it implies. By learning to sing, so that students understand the importance of environmental protection to human beings. 2. Learning music knowledge quarter rest “0”, so that students understand and grasp its time, and correctly applied to music practice activities. 3. By depicting a beautiful home, enrich students imagination and creativity, thereby further enhancing environmental awareness. Firmly establish "protection