年轻人脑梗塞并不鲜见,据统计35~45岁年轻组卒中的年发病率为25/10万。国外文献屡见年轻人脑梗塞及其病因研究的报道,国内报道较少。为探讨年轻人脑梗塞的有关问题,现将我院自1982年以来收治的经CT扫描、脑血管造影证实的年轻人脑梗塞40例作一初步分析。 临床资料 全组40例,年龄17~40岁,平均年龄34.7岁。男27例、女13例,病程从半天至11年。首次卒中起病就诊者31例,其中4例呈短暂性脑缺血发作的形式起病,病程迁延、多次卒中者9例。静态起病16例,动
It is not uncommon for young people to have cerebral infarction. According to statistics, the annual incidence of stroke among young people aged 35-45 is 25/10 million. Foreign literature is common in young people reports of cerebral infarction and its etiology, less domestic reports. In order to explore the related issues of cerebral infarction in young people, 40 cases of young cerebral infarction confirmed by CT scan and cerebral angiography in our hospital since 1982 are analyzed. Clinical data 40 cases of the whole group, aged 17 to 40 years old, with an average age of 34.7 years old. There were 27 males and 13 females, the course of which ranged from half a day to 11 years. Thirty-one patients were diagnosed as first-episode stroke, of which 4 were transient ischemic attack onset, with prolonged course of disease and 9 cases of multiple stroke. Static onset of 16 cases, move