Live in the reality

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  江漢艺术职业学院 湖北 潜江 433100
  Abstract:In the history of human civilization,there has been extensive concern on feminism.Over the past three decades,this topic has become more and more popular.Although considerable research has been devoted to cultural feminism,rather less attention has been paid to feminist writing.So now,the present author likes to do some discussion on this area——feminist writing.The aim of the present paper is to analyze a book which written by the famous feminist writer Virginia Woolf,observe the hidden character of the author.
  Key words:women;feminist writing;reality;self-liberation
  A Room of One’s Own is an extended essay by Virginia Woolf.First published on 24 October 1929,the essay was based on a series of lectures she delivered at Newnham College and Girton College,two women’s colleges at Cambridge University in October 1928.While this extended essay in fact employs a fictional narrator and narrative to explore women both as writers of and characters in fiction,the manuscript for the delivery of the series of lectures,titled“Women and Fiction”,which was published in Forum March 1929,and hence the essay,are considered non-fiction.The essay is generally seen as a feminist text,and is noted in its argument for both a literal and figural space for women writers within a literary tradition dominated by men.
  The title of the essay comes from Woolf’s conception that,“a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”.Woolf notes that women have been kept from writing because of their relative poverty,and financial freedom will bring women the freedom to write;“In the first place,to have a room of her own...was out of the question,unless her parents were exceptionally rich or very noble”.The title also refers to any author’s need for poetic licence and the personal liberty to create art.
  Woolf’s father,Sir Leslie Stephen,in line with the thinking of the era,believed that only the boys of the family should be sent to school.Woolf encouraged the image of herself that,because her father did not believe in investing in the education of his daughters,she was left without the experience of formal schooling.However,recent discoveries in the archive of King’s College London show that Virginia and her sister Vanessa attended King’s College London’s Women’s Department for classes in Greek and German over a number of years.In delivering the lectures outlined in the essay,Woolf is speaking to women who have the opportunity to learn in a formal,communal setting.Woolf lets her audience know the importance of their education at the same time warning them of the precariousness of their position in society.   “You should live in the reality.”Most of time,people taught us like this.However,sometimes we are confused by the exact meaning of reality.Here is a definition which was revealed in Virginia Woolf’s diary,she has defined her deeper purpose as a writer as the attempt to catch the fleeting vision of “reality”:
  a thing I see before me ,something abstract;but residing in the downs or sky ;beside which nothing matters;in which I shall rest and continue to exist .Reality I call it .And I fancy sometimes this is the most necessary thing to me:that which I seek ...Now perhaps this is my gift;this perhaps is what distinguishes me from other people :I think it may be rare to have so acute a sense of something like that...I would like to express it too.
  It is as if in the pursuit of her own inner reveries or of ’ the singing of the real world’,her characters almost entirely stop talking to one another,or at least that talk is beside her point.However,women are now no longer restricted to domestic life;they are entering the professions and political life,and these experiences must also be recorded and the social conditions obstructing them criticized.
  A Room of One’s Own is about the conditions in the habitable world that prevent or enable a woman to escape from that world into the solitude of creative work.This is why the book has such an air of paradox about it.The first two thirds of the book are concerned with the habitable world of the aspiring woman write.
  Fiction is like a spider’s web,attached ever so lightly perhaps ,but still attached to life at all four corners...These webs are not spun in mid-air by incorporeal creatures,but are the work of suffering human beings,and are attached to grossly material things ,like health and money and the houses we live in (RO43).
  In A Room of One’s Own it is the part of her that researched the lives of women writers such as Lady Winchilsea and Margaret of new castle,and which imagined the lethal conditions in which Judith Shakespeare would have been forced to live and die.Especially she imagines Mary Carmichael,a woman novelist,wanting to explore in fiction the lives of contemporary women.She will most likely want to thrown the main emphasis upon her women characters at work,perhaps in a laboratory;and them in relation with each other.Women have before only been portrayed in their relation to men,but they do also befriend and love one another,and these relationships are part of the dark country which needs to be explored .In “profession for women”her definition of the problem is a little different .A women writer must be free to tell the truth,and she has been prevented from telling the truth by rules which have prohibited her from throwing light upon certain areas of her experience.These rules are internalized and the woman writer’s reach into her own unconscious mind is obstructed by them .The great problem for the woman writer now is to learn how to overcome these obstacles so that she can tell the truth about her passion and about her body.Later she concluded at last of the book:   When I rummage in my own mind I find no noble sentiments about being companions and equals and influencing the world to higher ends.I find myself saying briefly and prosaically that it is much more important to be oneself than anything else.
  Conclusion:In this paper,feminist writing is studied.Besides,the character of feminist writer has analyzed.After reading this paper,you can get a general idea about the concept of feminist writing and something else about it.However,the limitations of this paper are clear,thanks to my knowledge and limited information,there are some defects in it.I believe more and more researches will be done in this field.
  [1]Warner,Eric,Virginia Woolf.A centenary perspective[M].London:Macmillan Press,1984.
  [2]Marsh,Nicholas,Virginia Woolf.The Novels[M].London:Macmillan Press,1998.
  [3]Maze,John R,Virginia Woolf.Feminism,Creativity,and the Unconscious[M].Westport:Greenwood Press,1997.
北京理工大学  摘 要:在中国大地上,存在这么一类群体,他们时时刻刻受到环境剥夺,经受着环境不公给他们带来的迫害——他们就是“癌症村”村民。改革开放以来,为了加快我国的经济增长,推进工业化和城镇化的进程,工业园区作为区域经济发展的新焦点,如雨后春笋般兴盛起来,使得当地经济迅速增长,产业结构快速转变。但是在取得经济效益的同时,生态环境急剧恶化,癌症村遍布中国大地,对当地居民的健康、收入、生活起居都造
摘要:立体化教材作为一个整体的教学、学习解决方案,不能认为只是为主教材提供配套的电子课件就是立体化建设,立体化建设应针对教师需求、学生需求进行详细的设计与分析。本文以中职汽车运用与维修专业核心课程《汽车发动机构造与维修》为例探索中职立体化教材建设。  关键词:中职汽车运用与维修;立体化;教材建设  一、立体化建材的概念  关于立体化教材,国内、外有多种说法,有的叫“立体化教材”,有的叫“一体化教材
摘要:伴随着社会经济的快速发展,社会文化价值取向逐步多元化,使得人们思想文化成长环境受到各种繁杂信息的冲击,时常游离于“现在文化”与“传统文化”的矛盾当中。对于中职院校来说,如何将中华优秀传统文化渗透到中职生德育教育当中显得尤为重要。对此随着新课程改革的逐步深入发展,社会对于中职教育也提出了更高要求,这已成为广大师生的共识。关键词:优秀传统文化;中职教育;德育教育;应对策略  1.中职德育教育的特
音乐教育本质上是一种创造性教育,它不仅自身能充分地培养学生的创新能力,而且还能有效的使那种妨碍学生创新精神和创新能力发展的教育观念、教育模式得以更新与改进。音乐教育是学校美育的最主要内容和最有效的实施途径。  一、音乐课程的价值  (一)传承文化  音乐作为一种文化,而且是一种最具有文化品位的精神文化,之所以能不断继承、发展、创新,是因为音乐自从诞生之日起,人类社会就自动形成或主动创造了音乐文化的
摘要:音乐能使人变得愉快、健康,它始终是人类最好的朋友和不可缺少的精神食粮,它在社会发展的进程里占据着不可低估的位置。音乐作为少儿早期教育的一项重要内容,它是一种特殊的语言教育。人在幼儿时期是听力思维敏感佳期,在这个求知欲和接受力的高峰阶段,如果能有条件学一点音乐,学习一门乐器,那么,将会对孩子的智力启蒙、身心健康、性格发展产生相当大的效益。  关键词:音乐;钢琴教育  为了能使孩子得到全面的发展
摘要:在新课标理念的指导下,过程与方法的教学目标被提高到一定程度。利用现代化教学手段,可以把抽象的音乐知识直观化、形象化,可以丰富音乐教学内容,大大提高学生的鉴赏美、欣赏美、感悟美的能力。随着科学技术和信息技术的发展,交互式一体机的运用在小学课堂中应运而生,它结合了现代多媒体教学的优势,并以其更多的功能性在小学教育中得到了普及的运用,成为教师和学生共同学习的好帮手。  关键词:交互式;一体机;音乐
摘要:校园暴力是德育研究中不可回避的问题,在对校园暴力的关注与研究中,应当关注校园冷暴力的存在。因为校园冷暴力事件发生更为频繁、危害严重,其原因主要是教师人文关怀的缺失。为此,教师关怀意识的养成和关怀能力的提升迫在眉睫。诺丁斯的关怀教育理论能够指导师生間关怀关系的建立,从而有效减少校园冷暴力事件的发生。  关键词:校园冷暴力;关怀型教师;关怀教育  随着微信、微博等传播媒介的大众化,校园霸凌事件频
摘要:“巧妇难为无米之炊”,学生要想写出好的文章必须要有丰富的素材。学生积累了大量的素材才能够在写作中旁征博引,运筹帷幄。学生要学生通过生活、社会、学习来获得大量的素材,保证写作过程中可以有大量的资源和活水,保证写作时可以信手拈来。学生有了丰富的积累才能够有备无患。  关键词:高中语文;写作;素材  《考试说明》要求学生在写作中做到:“材料丰富,论据充实,形象丰满,意境深远。”学生在写作中灵活地应
看到后进生这三个字,就让每个老师头疼,而后进生的出现与形成却是客观存在的事实。在传统观念中,人们常把后进生当成“坏学生”,还有“朽木不可雕”“顽石不成材”甚至“烂泥巴扶不上墙”,这些严重伤害自尊心的字句一直与后进生同行,可又何来老师“心肝”之谈?  就目前教师工作而言:它所面临着双重的任务,在完成教学任务的同时,又要积极的做好转化后进生的工作,我认为后者更为重要,因为,后进生的教育和管理历来是每位
萨特说:“阅读是自由的梦。”这句话读起来很富有诗意,但它却清楚地告诉我们:阅读是一种个性化的活动。正如《语文新课程标准》所指出的“阅读是学生个性化的行为,不应以教师的分析讲解来代替学生的阅读实践”。因此,在阅读教学中,教师必须注重学生的自主阅读,让学生在自由自在的个性化阅读中,读出自己对文章深层次的感悟。  一、讲究提问技巧。注重问题的精深  新课程改革特别强调教师在课堂教学中的组织者、支持者和合