A Discussion of the Application of Communicative Language Teaching to English Teaching in Vocational

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  【Abstract】Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has become a driving force in English Language Teaching programs in most parts of the world.It is based on the assumption that students can more easily develop language skills if the language is related to their lives and if they are given sufficient opportunity to practice them with their peers.This approach considers communicative competence as its goal of teaching.In this paper,the author tries to explore the application of Communicative Language Teaching to English teaching in vocational schools in China.To begin with,the author gives a brief introduction to Communicative Language Teaching and vocational education in China,followed by the theoretical framework.Then,the application of CLT to English teaching in vocational schools in China is elaborated in detail.Finally,the author gets the conclusion that English teaching in vocational schools must consider training students’ communicative competence as its final target and a difficulty is noted by the author in terms of applying CLT to English teaching in vocational schools in China.
  【Key words】Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); English teaching; application
  Communicative Language Teaching (CLT),which dates back to 1970s,is widely used in English Language Teaching programs all over the world.Language is considered as a means of communication and the main purpose of the approach lies in enhancing learners’“communicative competence” (Richards and Rodgers,2000).
  Vocational education in China is employment-oriented.Students’ training in vocational schools is approached from the perspective of meeting the demands of the job market so as to make sure that students are armed with professional skills as well as the ability to conduct communication effectively in their work after graduation,such as dealing with business affairs with foreign businessmen in which the ability of using English to communicate is essential.
  Language develops in the process of communication.Therefore,teaching a language through a communicative approach is undeniably a better,if not the best,way of educating students who are supposed to use it for real-life communication.
  Up until now,a number of researches have been done in the field of Communicative Language Teaching.However,only a few studies are found to address the application of CLT to English teaching in vocational schools.This paper aims to discuss how CLT can be applied to English teaching in vocational schools.   II.Theoretical framework
  As Richards and Rodgers state in Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching:Communicative Language Teaching means little more than an integration of grammatical and functional teaching.Its comprehensiveness makes it different in scope and status from any other language teaching approaches (66).
  One of the features that distinguish CLT from other teaching methodology is that “it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language,combining these into a more fully communicative view” (Littlewood,2000:1).
  Communicative Language Teaching emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is communicative competence because it views language as a tool for communication.It holds that language should be learned through use and through communication.Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations.Based on this notion,teachers should set up situations that students are likely to encounter in real life and ask students to play roles in order to learn to use proper language in different types of situations.
  CLT holds that students should be exposed to target language which is greatly encouraged to use in class.Teachers are supposed to use target language to conduct lessons,which acts as an input for students’ acquisition of the target language.Also,students are encouraged to deal with all kinds of language situations in target language and gradually their communicative competence will be developed.
  CLT stresses two-way communication and place students in the centre of a class.We always have to exchange information with others in real life,rather than doing monologue.In CLT classes,teachers will find themselves talking less and listening more,acting as monitors or helpers in bringing students’ initiative into full play.Students,on the other hand,talks more and become active agents communicating with their peers throughout the classes instead of being passive recipients.
  Last but not the least,CLT embraces all four language skills.By integrating listening,speaking,reading and writing,students will not only develop those skills but also constantly put them into use just as people use them in real life.
  III.Application of CLT to English Teaching in Vocational Schools in China
  Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that considers communicative competence as its goal of teaching.It is a systematic teaching methodology which involves teaching syllabus,teaching activities and skills as well as general teaching principles,etc.Some researchers have studied a number of teaching methods that can be employed in a communicative classroom,such as group discussion,playing games and role play,etc.But those methods are not exclusively used in CLT.Nevertheless,there are some teaching practices that distinguish CLT from other teaching approaches.According to the specific English teaching conditions in vocational schools in China,the author considers that the following three aspects need to be taken into consideration in English teaching.   1.Teachers should try to create real-life communicative situations as many as possible so as to provide a variety of communicative opportunities for students to practice English skills.
  What kind of communicative situations can be considered real-life? Firstly,the author holds that such situations should conform to those that are likely to occur in students’ work after graduation.For example,for students who are majored in International Trade,a situation,in which students act as domestic supplier and foreign buyer and move on to carry out a negotiating conversation in terms of price,quantity and quality as well as modes of transportation,is thought to be real-life.
  The second requirement for real-life communicative situations is that such situations are able to stimulate students’ desire to communicate.That is,they have to listen,to ask and to read in order to acquire what he does not know or wants to know,and they need to speak and to write so as to make himself understood by others.For example,the teacher can create an information gap (the point is that one side owns some information that the other side does not know) and give students a specific task which they can only complete through mutual asking and answering.
  Finally,real-life communicative situations ask for real-life language.Real-life language includes not only authentic and standard English,but unstandardized English or dialects as well,as is often the case in real life.Besides,it is normal that students miss one or two even several words or sentences.What really matters is that they can grasp the main idea of the speaker and conduct conversation accordingly.
  2.Classroom teaching should be student-centered with teachers being organizers and facilitators
  A CLT learner is expected to interact primarily with each other rather than with the teacher,and he should contribute as much as he gains and thereby learn in an interdependent way.While a CLT teacher assumes a responsibility for determining and responding to learner language needs (Richards and Rodgers,2000).He sets up the exercise,and then steps back and observes because students’ performance is the goal and they are supposed to do most of the speaking.
  For example,in lessons where reading and writing are the focus of communicative activity,the teacher can split the whole class into groups in which students read each other’s work,and collaborate while revising drafts of writing,suggesting improvements and correcting errors,thus generally act as editors(Tricia Hedge,2002:62).Besides,in order to improve students’ communicative competence,the teacher may ask one student to do a presentation each day.The topics of the presentation can vary from humors to updated news.Through this,students’ communicative ability is enhanced and their interest in English is further stimulated.
【摘要】中医英语专业方向肩负着培养中医药文化对外传播人才的历史使命。本文通过对中原经济区中医英语人才需求分析的调查研究,探讨社会对中医英语人才的需求现状,拟在建立一个符合社会发展要求的中医英语人才培养体系,为中原经济区的社会经济发展服务。  【关键词】中医英语人才 人才培养模式 课程体系设置  一、引言  2011年10月,国务院出台了《关于河南省加快建设中原经济区的指导意见》,将中原经济区建设提
【摘要】高职院校大学生隐性逃课现象日益频繁,随着生源质量的不断下降,英语课堂上的隐性逃课问题尤为突出。它给学生,教师和社会等都带来危害,但在现实中却没有像显性逃课一样引起老师,学校和社会的重视。本文对大学生英语课堂隐性逃课的成因进行了分析,并提出相应的对策。  【关键词】大学生 隐性逃课 对策  一、引言  近些年来,由于高职院校学生生源质量的下降,为了保证培养社会所需的合格的职业人才,在培养学生
《龙猫》几乎是宫崎骏所有作品中,最哀伤、悲剧色彩最浓的一部。事实上,它也是最“恐怖”的一部电影。故事很简单,母亲病了,父亲无力照顾小孩,于是让孩子迁居乡下。  父亲每天晚上很晚才回来,姐姐白天又要上学,能照顾孩子的,就是隔壁的怪阿婆。  整部电影,都有朵恐惧的乌云遮盖,这朵乌云,名叫:“我的父母如果死了,我该怎么办?”  一切的恐惧和恐怖,都集中在片中小女生梅的身上。白天,所有的人都上班、上学去了
有没有  能装入小鸟歌声的红口袋  有没有  能放进野花语言的绿口袋  如果有的话  请在傍晚寂寞的天空中打开  那可爱的细声慢语  一定會像彩虹那样放飞
一、调查概况  近年来,越来越多的大学英语老师在语法教学实践中发现当前中国英语语法教学普遍存在问题,无论是教学理念、教学内容还是教学形式都存在需要改进的地方。  首先,当前中国学生的语法水平有待提高,一些英语专业的学生出现了语法知识缺乏的现象,英语学习整体水平出现下跌。  其次,教师在教授英语语法的教学理念存在偏差,从过度重视语法教学到忽视语法教学,存在一定程度上的极端化思想。  最后,教师教授语
艺术和数学,对于许多人而言,这两者就好似粉笔和奶酪的关系。一个是情感抒发、激情和美学的领域,另一个则是严密的逻辑、精确和真理的世界。然而,揭开这些刻板印象的表面,我们发现这两个世界的共同点远远超出我们的预料。  任何有创造力的艺术家都会告诉你,情感共鸣是在作品创作过程中产生的,而非在创作初期添加到作品中的一种成分。美国作曲家菲利普·格拉斯坦言,他从不在作品中刻意编排任何情感内容。他相信这是他运用的
【摘要】激发和培养学生的学习兴趣对于英语教学至关重要。本文从提高教师素质、科学设计教学活动、创新教学方法、跟踪课后反馈与测评等多个角度探讨了如何针对小学生的心理特点,激发和培养英语学习兴趣,进而提高小学英语教育的质量。  【关键词】小学英语 兴趣教育  小学英语课程的普及推动了素质教育的进程,但由于小学英语教育起步晚、起点低,实践中还存在教师业务水平低、教学方法不够科学、教学内容不够完善等问题,在
在二级课程目标描述中指出:“学生能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并能在图片的提示下描述或讲述简单的小故事;能根据图片的提示写出简短的语句。” 要想达成上述目标,教师在教学中必须充分挖掘插图这一课程资源,发挥插图的教学功能,充分发挥课文插图的课程资源价值,提高教学效率。  插图虽然是不可或缺的课程资源,但笔者发现现行英语教学中,插图使用存在以下误区:一是舍本逐末,忽略教材插图。部分教师对教材语篇中
【摘要】初中生还处于人生的朦胧期,特别是农村中学的学生,他们在学习英语的过程中,缺乏学习英语的环境和氛围,学习英语的能力低,基础不扎实,而且留守儿童多,缺乏父母的监督与关爱,导致后进生数量较多,他们普遍对英语缺乏兴趣,调动不起学习英语的积极性。本文从点燃热情,激发兴趣,多方诱导等方面,浅谈农村初中英语教学中后进生转化的对策。  【关键词】点燃热情 转化 后进生  在农村中学从教近八年来,我发现同学