The number system is a form of metric people use to count. Our daily use of decimal numbers, it uses 0.1,2 ... 9 a total of 10 numbers, its base is 10, every 10 numbers carry to the high, that is, “every decade.” In the digital circuit is the most widely used binary number, each binary number, only 0 and 1 two numbers, so the base count is 2, its carry relationship is “every two into one.” Because binary numbers have only 0 and 1 digits, it is easy to realize two states 0 and 1 in the electronic circuit, such as the ON and OFF of the switch, the ON and OFF of the light, the pulse Of “yes” and “no”, the level of “high” and “low” and so on. Binary digits long, so people tend to rewrite the binary number into octal, hexadecimal.