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  摘 要:英語作为第二外语在中国受到越来越多的重视,而英语口语学习一直是第二外语学习的关键。怎样突破这一语言学习阻碍是目前国内学者研究的重点。
  English language learning for non-native speaker is not an easy work. It can be divided in to three independent parts: written English, reading English and oral English. But as a second language in non-English speaking countries, the oral is their weakest point and it is also cannot be handled easily.
  Recent years, this kind of situation captured the eyes of educators. They pay more attention to oral English learning. Accompanied with it, various old and new terms of this area appeared.
  Oral language arts, the term itself, is not new to us, but, how to define it is a tricky staff. It is really hard to give a clear definition. Literally, oral English language is same as other language expressed out by sound, voice, speech and any others.
  Oral English language learning like any other subjects learning experiences; the motivation is always the important key issue for learners. The oral English language includes enormous kinds of expressions. The oral production can be seen anywhere. Most of the people own the nature that they are eager to show themselves confidently in their deep heart.
  In a word, oral English language arts include many powerful magic attractions. It can be presented by different ways. Learning oral English will make the learners passionate and the learners will found the interest and fun staff during the learning process. Then they will learn it and produce it with motivation.
  二、What the Oral English Language Art Is
  As mentioned in the introduction part, it is hard to give a clear and public acceptable definition to this term. In another aspect, we know that oral English is definite the case that English is expressed vocally. It can be the sound, voice, speech or ever other vocal types. Tallal and Benasich (2002) argued that oral language was expected to develop naturally and effortlessly, without any need for formal instruction. This means that learning English language only needs to follow with its natural sound, voice and speech. However, even the sound, voice and speech themselves own their working systems. In the following, these basic elements of oral English language will be talked in detail.
  1.Sound, Voice and Speech。
  Sound, voice and speech are the basic forms of oral language. Oral English language is also the same case. Very often, in a language classroom, it is unavoidable to listen to vocal English materials, express ideas in English or give English speeches.   Oral English is like fine china that is made systematically and with skillful experience. The sound, voice and speech are not simply made. Sound, voice and speech own different focuses. For example, sound needs focus on the rhythm and pitch and voice should pay more attention to the pitch and tone. But , the speech put many an attention to the emotion and expression.
  2.Oral Productions。
  Oral production is the creation of language arts. Language is not a robot or other stubborn staff. It is colorful and vivid. It can be the presentation, speech performance, debate, or any vocal types.
  Oral production is the creative staff. Very often, it could be seen anywhere, such as an advertising on the led screen or some live show of sing –to –talk with English. In the modern, more and more people begin to love this kind of way. There is no exception, in the language-learning classroom, the learners also prefer to the oral productions. But, there is a limitation and the oral production maybe just the choral poems, speech performance , debate or some others.
  三、Learning Oral English Language with Motivation
  Referring to the above two parts, it is easily to find that learning oral English is a different experience compared with written English learning. Learning oral English language requests the learners emotionally. That is to say, the learners should be motivated to learn language.
  For language learning motivation, different scholars argue differently. Solomon (2000) argued that in the western countries, emotion was the second cognition and it is very often regarded as a threat to reason. But Arnold and Brown (1999) argued that the emotion was an affect.it was broad aspects of emotion, feeling, mood and attitude that can influence the language learning.
  Learning English as a second language, the learners as the objects, they should be motivated to do their job. As argued as Arnold and Brown, the motivation or the learning emotions could influence the learners’ learning such as raising their inspirations, desires and curiosities. In the following, I will elaborate the three in detail.
  1.Inspirations in Speech Making。
  To give a speech is an easy work to do. To some extends, it is a presenting of oneself. It is not simply speak out the words. Oppositely, it requests the actions, movements, appropriate tone and pitches and many small detail needed to pay attention to.
  Though it is difficult, hard and heart struggle, it can really and efficiently enhance the learners’ level. Meanwhile, a good speechmaker should be an emotional actor that means when giving speeches; they should pay much more attention to attract their listeners. Especially, in an oral language-learning classroom, the learners trying to make speeches are the first and a great step to build confidence. In the same time, the powerful and inspirational speech will stir the learners motivative.   Many researchers found that oral speech learning is the original, natural and efficient way to learn oral language. Thus, to learn oral English well in a second language-speaking atmosphere, the first and key issue is to stimulate the learners.
  2.Curiosities in Sound and Voice Making。
  Curiosity is known as the human nature. Making different fun and interesting sounds and voice can raise the learners’ curiosities (2009). Sounds and voice have different pitches, tones and different feelings and emotions in it.
  It is really different from the written English in the books. It owns rhythm and it has its own rules to follow. Very often, most of the cases, learners will be interested in the sound making or voice out something.
  When hearing some interesting and funny sound or voicing, they may be wondering how it can achieve that. Then they will bring their curiosities to learn the art of oral English language. This is much more efficient than the learners are forced to except the ideas.
  3.Desire in Oral Production Making。
  Oral productions can be various vocal types. It may be the pop vocal tapestry, choral poem and even any others. For example, it can be a very interesting product advertising, self-presenting or even funny show expressing. But no matter what kind of oral productions, they are visual, sounding, moving. In most of the cases, a good oral production will closely catch the audience’ attention.
  In the class, through long time learning, they find the fun and interesting of oral English language and they have been inspirited and they also were curious at it. Then, when they make their oral production –speech performance, debate, choral poem or any others, they will be willingly and activity. They will be desire to do what they are request to as task or what they will do because they are interested it.
  In a word, to learn oral English language in non-native speaking countries, the learner’s motivation is incredibly important.
  To conclude, oral English language learning is different from the written English. In non-English speaking countries and English as the second language, oral English language learning receives less attention.
  However, oral language is a very important component in a language learning system. Oral English language art is a broad concept. It is hard to find an exact sentence to define it. But, undoubtedly, oral English includes everything express out by English, such as speech, songs, choral poem, debate, interview and so on.   Learning oral English should be a little difficult for the non-native speakers. Though challenging and struggle, it is really amusing and enjoyment. To learn oral English, the first and important thing is to find the motivation. It can be the powerful key for the oral production. Learning it with inspirations, curiosities and desires can do the work perfectly.
  In a word, oral English language is full of magic and it is also important for language learners. Learning oral English with motivation can get a perfect expectation. Especially, with motivation during the process, it can inspirit learners and they maybe get some creative ideas in a sudden.
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