夏末秋初来到贵阳,在大街小巷,每每看到荷担叫卖刺梨果的社员。这种布满皮刺的果实,很受居民欢迎,斤秤个卖,购买踊跃,儿童、妇女更爱鲜食。刺梨鲜食味酸甜,富含糖、有机酸和多种维生素。据测定,每百克鲜果含维生素C 2,400毫克,含维生素D达2,800毫克,维生素P的含量是6,000毫克。由于维生素P有抗维生素C氧化作用,所以刺梨中的维生素C是相当稳定。刺梨果鲜食,能降低血液中胆周醇和甘油三脂的含量,有防治高血压、动脉硬化的作用。刺梨中维生素P、C协同作用,能增强血管壁的弹性,防止血管破裂出血。刺梨根熬水,可治胃溃疡。刺梨丰富的营养价值,早在三十年代,就
Came to Guiyang in early summer and early autumn, in the streets, often see the burden of selling Rosa pear fruit members. This prickly fruit is very popular among residents. It weighs a lot, and purchases are enthusiastic. Children and women love fresh food more. Cili pear sour and sweet, rich in sugar, organic acids and vitamins. It has been determined that there are 2,400 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of fresh fruit, 2,800 milligrams of vitamin D and 6,000 milligrams of vitamin P. Because vitamin P has anti-vitamin C oxidation, so the prickly pear in vitamin C is quite stable. Prickly pear fresh, can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis role. Prickly pear in the vitamin P, C synergy, can enhance the elasticity of the vessel wall to prevent rupture of blood vessels bleeding. Prickly pear root boil water, can cure gastric ulcer. Prickly pear rich nutritional value, as early as the thirties, it