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运用疏导教育方法排解民间纠纷,从某种意义上说,是转变当事人对某些人或事的认识、意愿和情感的过程。不考虑当事人的心理状态,是很难做好调解工作的。民间纠纷当事人对待纠纷的态度,虽各有千秋,但也存在一些带普遍性的心理,这些心理主要有如下四种:一、总以为自己是对的,错在对方民间纠纷当事人,无论男女长幼,无一例外都肯定自己的想法做法是有道理的,而对方的想法做法是错误的。即使所发生纠纷是非极其分明,不容争议讨论,说错话做错事的一方,仍然为自己找理由辩解,坚持自己那么做是事出有因,是迫不得已;说到底,自己还是没有错,真正错的是对方。有一对结婚10年的夫妇李和王。丈夫李某在事业很成功,整天忙工作。晚上回到家中仍不断有电话找。等到他能够静下来,已累得只想休息。为弥补对妻子王的歉疚,他对妻子在物质方面的需求 The use of counseling and education methods to resolve civil disputes, in a sense, is the process of changing parties’ awareness, intention and emotion toward certain people or things. It is very hard to mediate without considering the psychological state of the parties concerned. Although the attitudes of parties involved in disputes concerning disputes over the civil disputes vary from one case to another, there are also some universally-applied psychologies that mainly fall into the following four categories: First, they always think they are right and are wrong in the other party’s disputes over civil disputes, whether male or female, Without exception, it is justified to affirm their own ideas, and the other’s ideas are wrong. Even if the dispute is not very clear, indisputable discussion, the wrong side of doing wrong things, still justify their own reasons, insist that doing so is a result of a cause, is compelling; in the end, he is still not wrong, the real mistake is other side. There are a couple Lee and Wang who have been married for 10 years. Lee husband in a very successful career, busy day work. Back home at night still have a phone call to find. Wait until he can calm down, tired just want to rest. To make up for his wife’s guilt, his wife’s physical needs
买电脑有几年了,对我来说,它也就是个打字机。因为本人字写的不好,天天看我稿子的部主任曾多次提出:“你得再上麻线小学(离我们报社最近的小学)读 It has been a few years
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在人类设置的所有禁区中生命禁区最为可怕这个生命警示牌的背后写着: 擅自闯入者要以青春和生命作为冒险的代价他们义无返顾地来了 Behind the life warning sign, the mos
一、磁场、重力场混合场 带电体为液滴、带电小球等重力不可忽略时,带电粒子进入磁场,将在洛伦兹力和重力共同作用下运动. 1.无约束情况:当粒子垂直磁场方向进入时,重力和洛