政務院財經委員指示 各級財糧部門加強公糧保管工作

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中央人民政府政務院財政經濟委員會關於加強公粮保管工作給各級地方財經領導機關及財政粮食管理部門的指示,全文如下:去年秋收後所徴公粮、大部分均已歸入公粮庫。這是各級地方人民政府按照中央所规定的政策努力徴收和全國廣大人民愛護祖國踴躍繳納的結果。但由於公粮保管工作尚有若干缺點,兩三個月以來,根據各地不完全的報告,公粮在保管中的損失,包括失火、霉爛、搶刧、偷盗、貪汚,爲數甚鉅。當此國家財政困難、部分地區災荒尚未渡過的關頭,使國家公粮遭受這樣大的損失,實是一種不容寬恕的事情。檢查公粮所以損失原因,客觀上是由於某些地區治安尚未鞏固,敵特盗匪潛伏破壞,粮庫沒有建立 The instructions of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Central People’s Government and the Financial Affairs Committee of the State Council on strengthening the custody of public grain to local financial authorities at all levels and the financial grain administration department are as follows: Most of the public grain farms after the fall of last year were classified as public grain farms. This is the result of the efforts made by the local people’s governments at various levels in accordance with the policies stipulated by the Central Government and the enthusiastic contributions of the broad masses of the people in protecting the motherland. However, due to a number of shortcomings in the custody of public grains, in the past two or three months, according to incomplete reports all over the country, the loss of public grains in custody included fire, mildew, robbery, theft and corruption. When the country is in financial difficulties and the famine in some areas has not yet passed through, the state’s grain has suffered such a big loss. In fact, it is an unforgivable thing. The reason for the loss of the inspection of grain is objectively due to the fact that the law and order situation in some areas has not yet been consolidated and that the potential of the enemy and special bandits has been lurked and damaged and that the grain depot has not been established