Expressions of regional culture in the design of parks

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  【Abstract】: Regional culture is the theme and soul of park design, and the characteristics of different from other park.This article through the analysis of the relationship between each other of geographical and regional culture park, interpretation of the expression in the design of regional culture in the park, the principles and ways of expression in order to reveal the regional cultural importance of park design.
  【Key words】: regional culture; park ; expression
  1 Introduction
  As the urbanization process has speeded up, various types of Park appears in the people around her and enriching the people's lives, improving the ecological environment and enhanced the city's cultural charm.But not difficult to discover that, the park landscape has the obvious homoplasy, the region and the national characteristic gradually is also vanishing and weakens, causes the people to have this kind of impression: The park all is same.
  2 Region culture and park reciprocity
  2.1 The concept of regional culture
  In our country, the region culture is generally refers to the specific region well-established, is characteristic, the inheritance still played the role until now the cultural tradition, is specific civilized performance and so on region ecology, folk custom, tradition, custom. It within a certain region and the integration of the environment, and thus on the regional brand, unique.
  2.2 The limited role of regional culture on Park
  The region culture has the definition function to the park, in other words, in park landscape building process, not only must consider this region the natural environment essential factor, like terrain, landform, climate, vegetation and so on, but also must excavate this region fully the society human element, like conditions and so on historical, economical, language, custom, religious, life production method, only then integrates fully the nature and the human element the park during the environment design, can make entrusts with reasonably happy, other graceful bearing park landscape.
  The region culture to the park definition function main performance is two aspects,.On the one hand, the region culture had defined the park content, between the different region, the different nationality's natural environment and the social environment are different, therefore the different region culture has accomplished the different region landscape, On the other hand, the region culture has defined the park form   2.3 Park for regional culture carrier
  The park is not in the city an isolation existence spot.The park is continues the region arrangement of a piece of writing the important method and the way.Now more and more many cities start to pay great attention to the region culture thorough excavation, and integrates the region culture the park landscape during building, the making culture park, causes it to become the foreign demonstration city vivid characteristic the important way.
  3 Expression of regional culture in landscape design
  3.1 Expression of regional culture in landscape design principles
  Expresses the region culture in the park landscape design to have to follow three principles.First, respect for nature and suit measures to local conditions.Every city has its special natural geographical conditions, the condition is objective existence, not easy to change and reform.Second, it highlights the geographical and cultural appearance.Finally, the initiative user friendly, integrates the time characteristic.The human is the park sight-seer, a park landscape design success or not, mainly decided by human's subjective and objective appraisal, says from this significance, the initiative user friendly is the park landscape design intrinsic essential factor.
  3.2 Regional culture expression in landscape design in the park
  In the park landscape design region culture expression technique is multi-dimensional, like direct, abstract, metaphor and simulation and so on, the direct expression is does not need to pass through any artistic processing to be able the clear direct-viewing development for people's one expression technique, like the small bridge over the flowing stream, the sculpture, the eruptive fountain and so on all belong to the direct expression.Abstract namely through to region culture mark refinement and conformity, changes its original form, by is not the cultural connotation brand-new way presents, for human one kind of historical culture modernity.The metaphor is refers presents in the design has in the narration subject either the vision has the culture or the place mark, has the indication, causes the work to be able to speak.The simulation technique even more stresses to cultural environment building and with in human's interactive, therefore this technique is more complex in the utilization process, also even more three-dimensional and rich interesting.
  4 Conclusion
  The region culture formation is a long-term process, it has the relative stability in certain stage, but but it is not irrevocable is changes unceasingly along with the daily life is developing.On the one hand future the landscape development will tend to the ecology.On the other hand takes the historical arrangement of a piece of writing the inheritance and the development, highlights the region culture, respects the region characteristic we to have the necessity from the region culture landscape angle, the perspective China's region culture resources conservation and the landscape design question, enables the region culture landscape to be able to form the health the humanities ecology landscape system.
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