本刊讯11月25日,为庆祝万力轮胎第1亿条下线而举办“万力惠民季·购胎赢大奖”活动圆满收官,i Phone6、i Pad Air以及购物卡等累计价值超过百万的重磅豪礼,陆续被近千名消费者收入囊中。此次活动自开展以来已吸引全国超过80000人关注,38000人参与秒杀,不仅收获了十足的人气口碑,更以终端客流大幅度提升的实效,为万力轮胎拓展国内市场取得良好开端。
News of the magazine on November 25, in order to celebrate the one hundred millionth of Wanli Tire offline and hold “Wanli Huimin quarter purchase tire win award” event a successful ending, i Phone6, i Pad Air and shopping cards, etc. The cumulative value of more than one million heavy luxury, one after another by nearly a thousand consumers in the bag. Since its launch, the event has attracted more than 80,000 people nationwide and 38,000 people have taken part in the spike. It has not only gained a reputation for popularity, but also greatly enhanced its terminal passenger flow to make a good start for Wynn Tire to expand its domestic market.