保加利亚女摄影师Diliana Florentin的作品以大胆的造型和多变的色彩著称,她经常联合业内著名造型师打造时尚大片,时而热情奔放、时而委婉动人。摄影师通过镜头,将女人的魅力展示得淋漓尽致,神秘、性感、美丽,且充满了力量。对Florentin来说,男人只是镜头前的过客,女人才是她作品永恒不变的主题。迪莲娜·弗洛伦廷(Diliana Florentin),出生在保加利亚的索菲亚,她是保加利亚摄影新浪潮的一部分,她毕业于新保加利亚大学(New Bulgarian University)的广告与艺术摄影专业。而后在保加利亚著名的
Bulgarian female photographer Diliana Florentin’s work is known for his daring styling and varied colors, often collaborating with industry-renowned stylists to create large-scale fashion shows, sometimes passionate and sometimes euphemistic. The photographer through the lens, the charm of a woman show vividly, mysterious, sexy, beautiful, and full of strength. For Florentin, a man is just a passing guest, and a woman is the eternal theme of her work. Diliana Florentin, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of a new wave of Bulgarian photography, graduated in advertising and art photography at the University of New Bulgarian. Then famous in Bulgaria