Trade fair logistics:The digitalisation of processes

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  A new era is well under way in trade fair and event logistics. TFI spoke with the association and two IELA members: Roland Kreitmayr, DB Schenker’s head of fairs and exhibitions and special transports for Germany and Switzerland, and Vincenzo Scrudato, managing director of DHL Trade Fairs & Events.
  Which parts of the trade fair logistics industry have been affected by digitalisation?
  Roland Kreitmayr, DB Schenker: Digitalisation has affected all parts of the trade fair logistics industry: from quotation preparation to customs clearance. Digitalisation is evident not just in commercial, administrative processes such as pre-carriage planning and scheduling but also at the operational level of day-to-day business. Electronic export declarations and electronic customs clearance systems are being used in more and more countries, and the main legs of journeys are being booked electronically with shipping companies and airlines. Onsite logistics are also benefiting from the digitalisation of logistics processes: truck and forklift control systems permit faster loading and unloading, thus making it possible to cope with short construction and dismantling periods, storage is monitored by means of electronic warehouse management systems, and electronic job scheduling tools support all logistics services at the trade fair centre. For the customer, that means increased convenience and greater clarity. Order acceptance at the customer’s exhibition stand on a tablet computer in real time is just one example of the many ways in which digitalisation benefits customer service.

  Vincenzo Scrudato, DHL: Our work is now shaped by digitalisation right up to the “last mile”. Efficient order processing requires ITsupported processes. Errors are thus avoided and costs optimised. Moreover, customers these days almost invariably expect electronic consignment tracking with status messages. And processes that have been manual up to now, such as consignment measurement, can now be executed more quickly, easily and accurately using the latest technology. We are already using this technology successfully for incoming and outgoing goods at trade fair centres and have had nothing but good experiences; it has also been well received by customers.
  What advantages does digitalisation bring?
  Roland Kreitmayr: Digitalisation brings many advantages in trade fair logistics – not just for exhibitors but for organisers and freight forwarding companies as well. As far as customers are concerned, both the clarity offered by tracking and the new forms of customer service that are now possible are clear advantages. Organisers get the support of flexible professional logistics partners, who can respond quickly when unforeseen changes occur, whether these are changes in the weather or changes to security provisions. These adjustments to processes can be made quickly and easily using the electronic systems. We are constantly faced with new challenges as a result of having to handle increasing volumes in less and less space, because logistics space is being reduced for exhibition space. However, digital processes such as electronic advice notes, electronic order management, truck or forklift control systems, electronic customs clearance and tracking help us to implement simpler, more efficient processes and faster information streams.   Vincenzo Scrudato: First and foremost, we focus on our customers. We always ask ourselves the same question: how can we make our customers more successful? With this as our guiding principle, we find solutions that our customers not only really appreciate but also make good use of: in order to let us know their requirements quickly and easily, spend more time on their core competency and thus be more successful. We at DHL have been using digital solutions in our internal processes for years now, and we also offer digital solutions for order processing with customers in order to make everything as clear as possible and ensure the highest possible level of user friendliness. For us there is another big advantage: we can access our systems wherever we are and thus benefit from these innovative systems when we are at trade fairs, for example.
  Are there also disadvantages?
  Roland Kreitmayr: A lot of investment is required to maintain the systems, keep them constantly updated and ensure they can communicate with the existing systems of trade fair companies and suppliers, for example. It’s a very dynamic situation, and the shelf life of the systems and networks must always be considered when investments are made.
  Vincenzo Scrudato: Of course, every innovation brings with it dangers and risks. There is always a downside as well; every innovation is associated with certain risks. Anyone who ignores this or is naive in their approach risks a great deal. We have had effective processes and safety latches for years that give us virtually total protection against most dangers, so the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. We do not shy away from making investments in technology and personnel. For us, quality and people take priority.
  What challenges does digitalisation present to IELA members among themselves? And what can the IELA do as an association to help them meet these challenges?
  Elizabeth Niehaus, IELA executive officer: We currently have 165 members in 55 countries. Each country has different standards and, consequently, different IT solutions. That is why our network is so important, offering a place in which to meet others and a discussion platform. The industry is undergoing a transformation affecting the people, structures and processes involved in it. IELA, members, organisers and exhibitors are all having to adapt to this. As an association it is our duty to face up to the challenges of our times and help our members to adapt to the coming changes. At our annual IELA Congress we address(ed) very important issues: Safety and Security in Dublin in 2016, for example, and service in Prague in 2017. In 2018, San Francisco and Silicon Valley will offer the ideal surroundings in which to approach the subject of Digitalisation.   Roland Kreitmayr: The different legal frameworks in different countries have a huge impact on the processes. Moreover, there are still no standards in place enabling efficient data interchange with our partners around the world.
  Vincenzo Scrudato: I don’t see any particular challenges arising from digitalisation. Instead, it is becoming even more evident that the changes currently taking place represent obstacles and risks. Different quality standards and codes of conduct are just two examples of this. A standardised interface for data interchange would be a desirable goal, for example, and the IELA could play a role here as a mediator.
  What do customers expect these days?
  Vincenzo Scrudato: That everything should be easy, fast, reliable, good and cost efficient (
  Roland Kreitmayr: A comprehensive, hassle-free service that’s quick and easy to use. Good advice, rapid flows and return flows of information, whether that’s for quotations, order acknowledgements, awards of contracts, tracking or invoicing. And customers these days expect a 24/7 service. Despite digitalisation, the focus in our industry remains on people. A personal presence on site is therefore still indispensable. This gives customers (organisers or exhibitors) the sense of security and confidence they need (
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非洲大陸,作为全球会展版图上的一个新兴市场,近年来得到了越来越多会展组织机构和参展商的关注。那么,非洲本地政府对会展业发展的态度如何?有哪些利好政策?会展场馆等基础设施如何?如何甄选当地展会?在物流、展台设计搭建以及组团方面的注意事项有哪些?  借助11月初UFI全球年会在南非约翰内斯堡举办的契机,本刊记者采访了南非会展行业协会、大型主办方、知名场馆、服务商以及中方组展机构代表,力图为您呈现非洲会
记者:请问作为本次UFI年会的承办场地,您对此次会议有什么期待?  Vallabh:我們作为会议的承办场地,尽心尽力为参会代表提供优质的服务。我们非常高兴见到这么多前来参会的有影响力的行业人士,希望他们在未来能在南非举办更多的展览会。  记者:桑顿会议中心的优势和运营挑战是什么?您如何看待行业竞争?  Vallabh:我们的会议中心离机场很近,有穿梭巴士直接到达,周围有数家三星至五星级的酒店,参展
Introduction: According to Oman Expo LLC, the biggest trade show organizer in Oman, the key factors for sustaining success in shows is to seriously evaluate feedback and surveys from exhibitors and vi
记者:今年UFI年会落户非洲。请问您对本次UFI年会有什么期待?  EXSA:这是UFI年会首次在非洲大陆举办,从某种程度上体现了国际会展业界对非洲市场关注程度的提升。通过南非这个门户,全球各地的会展企业可以进入肯尼亚、尼日利亚等非洲大陆的其他市场。而南非则可以借助本次年会的契机,展示整个非洲会展市场的信息。在本次年会期间,全球各地的展览主办方也可以对南非的商务会奖环境有一手的了解。  记者:非洲
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记者:请简单介绍一下您公司当前的客户群和业务规模。  Cronning:目前我們有很多客户都是国际主办方,本地主办方客户也越来越多,另外还有很多参展商客户。我们是The ticketpro Dome和南非博览中心这两个场馆的官方电工,因此到这两个场馆参加展会的展商基本都会认识我们。虽然我们公司刚刚成立四年,但我们在这个行业的经验是业内一流的。成立至今,我们已经成为南非领先的展览公司。  记者:近年
记者:AAXO代表了南非80%的展览主办方。请您介绍当地展览业发展的情况以及中国展商有哪些机会。  Weaving:在南非,每年有30多个主办方举办大约180多场大型展览会,励展、英富曼、慕尼黑、法兰克福等大型展览公司均已进驻当地市场。南非是进入非洲其他市场的跳板,我建议中国参展商可以首先参加在南非举办的展览会。目前,中国已经连续8年成为南非最大的贸易伙伴,双边贸易非常活跃。而南非的中产阶级人数不
Reporter: AAXO represents 8 0 % of t he ex h ibit ion organising community in South Africa. Please introduce the development of local exhibition industry and your suggestions for exhibitors.  Weaving: