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  Abstract:It is widely accepted that e-banking leaves great impact on individuals and bank themselves in the past few years.E-banking not only enables banks to gain more flexibility and more services,but also contributes to the decline of overhead costs through alternative channels instead of physical branches.However,there could be more risks for banks than customers after balancing the benefits and these potential risks suck as electronic virus.The main aim of this paper is to discuss whether banks benefit more than customers when they operating Internet banking,and analysis the main benefits also emphasize on hidden is recommended that further comprehensive studies should be conducted with details about business operation of banks and methods for avoiding risks as well as to cover the topic from different perspectives.
  1 Introduction
  During the last few years,e-banks have revolutionized the bank industry to some extent.E-bank used to be an additional delivery channel for traditional banks.However,it turns out to be essential part of banking transactions(DeYong et al.2005).According to his report,economies of scale have been largely expanded due to the automated technology and powerful functions of management from e-banking.
  Due to advanced technology,Internet functionality could help banks reduce overhead cost and obtain new business opportunities.Customers tend to have a better time organization because it does not have cutoff times.On the other hand,there exists serious potential risks for both banks and users,such as hackers and phishing,which could make customers and banks suffer huge monetary loss.
  The purpose of this project is to examine whether banks benefit more than customers for operating e-banks.The paper will be divided into two sections.Section one will discuss the topic from banks perspective,and then the perspective of customers will be examined in section two.
  2 Why do banks operate e-banks and relative conditions
  Many researchers argue that e-banks have positive impacts on banks’growth.The study conducted by Arnaboldi(2008:4)in Finland,Spain,Italy and Uk about internet banking indicated that compared with traditional banking,internet banking is more likely to promote the development of banks,and competitiveness in the market.Banks might see a decline of operational cost,since rent fee seems to reduce as there would be less physical branches.Banks tend to benefit from the saved cost,which could help improve banks’operation and management indirectly.However,in order to ensure normal operation of e-banking, technology should be the most fundamental factor which still cannot be achieved in many developing countries. This means banks need to constantly innovate service system and improve user experience regularly with changing customer needs and competition,which could increase financial burden,because of expenses on training and infrastructure.   Sullivan(2000)argues that‘Internet technology has the potential to fundamentally change banks and banking industry’.With the growing power of technology,banks tend to access more customers by providing them with unique services and products possibly through smart phones and PC applications,with no physical presence in the form of a branch(Georgios and Athanassios 2011:304).Regarding payment issues,banks can even adopt their own payment system to applications on mobile phones or three-party softwares with authority,such as Alipay in China and PayPal which could become invaluable sources of profits for banks.Despite those advantages,there are a few potential or imposed risks that still need to be focused on and tackled.Once compromised,hackers’computer can surreptitiously download a code that can log a victim’s key strokes,giving an attacker a potential access to wide range of network leading to a huge loss for both e-bank users and banks.
  3 Section 2 Why do customers usis e-bank and relative conditions
  The emergency of e-banking changed customers’conceptions of banking and promoted users’business efficiency to some extent.Customers no longer have to wait in queues and all they have to do is to own Internet accesses.This is proved a real boon for disabled people,as banking transactions might be also effortless for them (Georgios and Athanassios 2011:303).//While some researchers have found that the complexity of new technology may cause a negative impact on customers satisfaction.using e-banking as a normal tool still seems a difficult thing for customers who are less knowledgeable and lacking of Internet skills.
  E-banking could not only enable customers with extension of banking services,but also the smarter interaction with integrated online system(Georgios and Athanassios 2011:303).Traditional banking services have been extended after the appearance of Internet banking,which provides more flexibility to customers.Smart online system has been designed for customers to solve relative problems with artificial intelligence,which means they can interact with advanced troubleshooting functionalities(Shannak 2013:248).Customers are also able to know and search more information which has been classified on the website.However,perceived risk may also arise when using e-banking.The information presented on the web might be ambiguous and complex,which requires individuals to gain sufficient information to avoid uncertainty.(Dowling &Staelin 1994:117).Nevertheless,one of the most significant issue that customers concern about is security risk,because it affects their property directly.Regarding to the Internet,it is common to find cases about hackers,phishing attacks and malware relating to e-banking. Unless the security issue has been tackled,customers tend to suffer huge financial loss from diverse potential risk online.   4 Conclusion
  E-banking has influenced customers and banks to a great extent in various aspects such as expenses,working efficiency and security.This paper supported the major benefits of both banks and customers and also some problems when banks operating Internet bank and when individuals using it.As for banks,e-banking is like a method to attract more business opportunities,enabling them profitability when establishing collaborate with electronic business companies,although they are likely to suffer more financial loss than customers when being hacked.
  In the discussion of customers’perspective,it was concluded that although they could benefit convenience and efficiency,potential risks are not easy to avoid.Meanwhile,it should be recommended that developing a safer e-banking environment is increasingly vital,since the sharing of data and open nature of the Internet make safety a severe issue (Kesharwani&Tripathy 2012:193).
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  乔心培(1993.05—),男,硕士研究生,贵州财经大学,550025,银行绩效 。
摘 要:本文就机器人除冰技术用于输电线路上的应用的相关专利进行分析。主要利用专利数据库的检索结果为分析样本,从中国、全球的专利申请量、申请人和分类号的分布等多方面进行统计分析,总结了与机器人除冰中的应用相关的国内和国外专利的申请趋势、主要申请人分布以及对重点技术的发展路线进行了梳理。  关键词:除冰机器人、专利分析、技术综述  1 引言  严重的输电线路覆冰会导致杆塔倾斜、倒塌、断线及绝缘子闪络,
摘 要:本文通过对电力电缆及附件招标重要性方面进行了分析,就电力电缆及附件招标技术进行了研究,并提出了相应的建议和意见。  关键词:电力电缆及附件;招标技术;质量控制;有效管控  前言:市场经济的发展让电力能源获得了新的发展,同时对于电力企业的提升提出了新的要求。电力企业从传统的垄断方式逐渐转变成为具有市场竞争性的新发展方式,这就要求电力企业不断丰富自身发展路径,提升工程质量。尤其在电力电缆的购进
摘 要:当前很多施工企业还没有意识到工程测量质量的重要性,在施工过程中没有充分的发挥工程测量技术的应用,从而给工程带来了巨大的安全隐患。现阶段GPS和RTK测量技术开始被广泛应用于市政工程领域,在市政工程的实践中取得了十分显著的效果,但是由于市政工程测量技术很容易受到人为因素的影响,使一些在实施工程中获取测量数据的准确性不能得到有效保障。所以我们要掌握各类测量技术,以其在测量过程中作为市政工程数据
摘 要:在小学英语教学中所实施的故事教学就是创造有趣英语课堂、生动英语课堂,提高小学生英语学习兴趣,提升英语学习成绩的一项重要举措。小学英语教学的目的是让学生能初步运用英语进行简单的交流,养成良好的学习习惯,培养学生的学习兴趣和自信心。故事教学的互动模式很受学生喜爱,对学生在英语学习中的全面发展很有好处。  关键词:小学英语;故事教学;模式  一、故事教学的特点  小學生天真活泼,故事以其生动活泼
摘 要:教育作为培养个体心智和技能的工具,不仅仅只有学校才能提供。随着社会意识和文化的多元化,对个人的能力和素养的认知也更加开放和科学。尽管学校和学位都还是帅选人才的主要标准,但跟多的企业和个人对于能力和素质的认同逐渐加强,因此好的学校或者学校成绩优异的学生主要代表了过往的成绩和未来的潜力,但并不是确切决定个人在社会中的发展轨迹。教育终身化和教育公众化成为教育发展的必然趋势,基于能力的资质认证成为
摘 要:高中英语教育对于高中阶段的学生来说是至关重要的,英语学习相对难度较大,教师在实际的教学过程中针对教学方式应该不断地更新与完善,在充分结合教材内容的基础之上,根据重难点的教学内容来设计出培训材料,并相应的开展多项系列活动以及有效的改进传统教学模式下存在的弊端。因此,本文从传统高中英语教学变革的原因以及英语教学创新变革的有效策略展开深入的研究。  关键词:高中英语;教学方式;变革;创新  随着
摘 要:预应力技术已经成为道路桥梁施工中常见技术,随着经济的发展,对外联系的紧密,公路、铁路、桥梁四通八达,在水泥路、沥青石子路面、混凝土桥梁加固、道路维修等方面预应力技术都获得广泛的应用。而此技术的快速发展,也推动了道路桥梁的发展。本文在这里主要分析本技术的应用范围以及此技术在施工中的应用,并对应用此技术对保证施工质量的常用措施,供施工人员和技术人员参考。  关键词:预应力 施工技术 道路桥梁
摘 要:对于初中学生来讲,数学学科的学习难度较大。减轻学生的负担,是教学改革的重要目标。让学生不再感受到数学学习压力,就是数学教学中为学生减轻负担的重要表现。分层教学法,从学生的实际水平出发为学生设置学习目标以及学习内容,有利于学生高质量地完成数学学习任务,促进其数学学习兴趣与效率的提高。本文以初中数学分层教学分析为题,对分层教学法的应用方法进行分析。  关键词:初中数学;分层教学;心得  在传统