统筹兼顾 生态治河——通州区全面开展中小河道治理

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通州区地处北京市下游,区内流经13条河流,每年城区及上游区县约90%的雨水经通州区温榆河、北运河、通惠河及凉水河等河道排出境外,因此,通州区既要解决自身防洪排水问题,同时要承担全市行洪排水,任务艰巨,责任重大。2013年,为全面推进水务基础设施建设,进一步提高城乡防洪能力,加快“7·21”特大暴雨自然灾害水毁工程修复,按照北京市统一部署,通州区积极开展中小河道治理,汛前完成了北运河清淤整治工程、通惠排干清淤整治工程及通惠河水环境综合整治一期工程等,治理河道总长度39.42 km,清淤约280万m~3,还有12处浅滩整治、两岸护砌改造及景观绿化等,大大增强了河道行洪排水能力,同时集蓄雨洪水,涵养地下水,形成了水清、岸绿、水系循环的生态景观。 Tongzhou District is located in the lower reaches of Beijing. The area runs through 13 rivers. Each year, about 90% of the rainwater in urban areas and upstream districts and counties is discharged outside the river channels such as Wenyu River, North Canal, Tonghui River and Liangshui River in Tongzhou District. Therefore, Tongzhou District To solve their own flood control and drainage problems, while taking the city flood discharge, the task arduous task of great responsibility. In 2013, in order to comprehensively promote the construction of water infrastructure, further improve the flood control ability in urban and rural areas, and speed up the restoration of water damage caused by natural disasters such as the “July 21” heavy rainstorm, in accordance with the unified deployment of Beijing Municipality, Tongzhou District actively carried out small and medium- Completion of the North Canal dredging renovation project, Tong Hui drainage dredging renovation project and the Tonghui River water environment comprehensive renovation project, the total length of the river is 39.42 km, dredging about 2.8 million m ~ 3, there are 12 Shallow remediation, cross-Strait reconstruction and landscape greening, etc., greatly enhancing the drainage capacity of flood discharge, at the same time set floods, conservation of groundwater, forming a clear water, shore green, water cycle ecological landscape.
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