In our body every day, free radicals are generated. When the body is invaded by bacteria or foreign bodies, the immune system will play a role in the white blood cells attacking the invaders. At this time, the white blood cells will release free radicals and oxidize the invaders, that is, the free radicals will protect the body The positive effects of bacteria and other injuries. But once the free radicals are produced in large quantities, more than what the enzyme can handle, the body oxidizes, just as iron rust does. With the gradual increase in the degree of oxidation, health will light up the red light, there are many degenerative diseases such as cataracts, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis and so on. Radicals can be said to be the direct cause of human disease and aging. There are many factors that contribute to the production of free radicals such as smoking, ultraviolet light, strenuous exercise, anxiety, excessive intake of alcohol and fats, obesity, air pollution, residual pesticides Food, electromagnetic waves and X-rays. There are many foods in life that act as free radicals and let’s get acquainted with it.