为了提高激光线结构光在复杂 3 D 曲面测量系统中激光中心的计算精度,提出基于图像处理的激光中心快速滤波算法,对激光亮带的搜索和亮带区域的平滑滤波同时进行,以消除传统图像边缘检测算法和整帧图像平滑处理计算数据量大的缺点.同时还提出排除虚反射光的激光中心线平滑滤波算法.对同一像素多次重复测量实验表明:示值稳定性达 0.16 个像素,算法在精度和速度上满足实用要求.
In order to improve the calculation accuracy of the laser center in the complex 3 D curved surface measurement system, a fast laser center filtering algorithm based on image processing is proposed. The search of the laser bright band and the smoothing of the bright band are carried out simultaneously to eliminate the traditional Image edge detection algorithm and the entire frame smoothing process data calculation of large defects. At the same time, we also proposed a laser centerline smoothing algorithm to eliminate the faint reflected light. Repeated measurements of the same pixel experiments show that the display stability of 0.16 pixels, the algorithm in the accuracy and speed to meet the practical requirements.