别克首款增程型混合动力车VELITE 5与全新一代君威共同登上车展舞台,“双星”辉映下的全系阵容为别克品牌吸引颇多人的关注。用心设计的展台布置将“气韵流淌,镜生象外”这一灵感融入其中,将品牌的优雅与科技展现的淋漓尽致。车展开幕日当天为别克全新一代君威的中国首秀,作为别克品牌最重要的全球战略车型之一,新车由设计与整车开发部门倾力打造。新车轴距较上代车型增加92mm,至2829mm,车身高度更低,带来流畅、稳健的姿态。在动力方
Buick first extended range hybrid VELITE 5 and a whole new generation of Regal jointly board the car stage, “Double Star ” reflects the entire lineup of Buick brand attracted a lot of attention. Intentions of the design of the booth layout will be “flowing charm, mirror life like” this inspiration into which the brand’s elegance and technology show most vividly. The opening day of the show is Buick’s first-ever Regal China’s first show. As one of the most important global strategic models of the Buick brand, the new car is dedicated to the design and development of a complete vehicle department. The new car wheelbase than the previous generation models increased 92mm, to 2829mm, lower body height, bringing a smooth, steady attitude. On the power side