在上海市工商联、上海质量管理科学研究院和挪威TQM 中心联合举办的“突破现状、以质取胜”CEO 高级研讨会上,挪威 TQM 中心研发总裁比阿纳先生在他的演示题板上画了一个颇具东方特质的面庞,一张有着三只眼睛的脸,仿佛中国古老的神,而这确实也是这位北欧的学者受到东方文化的影响而得出的一个观点,那就是,一个卓越的组织,要有一个卓越的领导者,而一个具备领导力的卓越领导者,要有三只眼,一只眼要紧紧盯着标准、一只眼要紧紧盯着持续改进,而另外一只眼,就是要盯住突破,这三者相辅相成,缺一不可。而一个企业的领导者只有具备了这样的素养,企业才能持续发展。所以这一天,在比阿纳先生的演讲中,领导力、突破成了出现频率最高的词。
At the CEO Advanced Seminar held by Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, Shanghai Institute of Quality Management Science and Norwegian TQM Center, Mr. Bianner, Research and Development of TQM Center of Norway, Painted a face of oriental qualities, a face with three eyes, like the ancient god of China, and this indeed is the Nordic scholars influenced by Oriental culture came to the point that one Excellent organization, there must be an outstanding leader, and a leader with outstanding leadership, there must be three eyes, one eye should be firmly fixed on the standard, one eye should be kept on improving, and the other one Eyes, is to peg to the breakthrough, the three complement each other, are indispensable. The leader of an enterprise only has such a quality, companies can continue to develop. Therefore, on this day, in Bianner’s speech, leadership and breakthroughs have become the most frequently occurring words.