Activation Energy of Nitriding Medium Carbon Ferromanganese Alloy

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwz1270
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Investigation of some kinetics aspects of the reaction between nitrogen and medium carbon ferromanganese (MC-FeMn) was made. Nitriding process of fine medium carbon ferromanganese was carried out at temperature ranging from 973 to 1 223 K and time up to 480 min. Nitriding was carried out under nitrogen and hydrogen gas pressures. At temperature of 573 K, hydrogen gas was injected with pressure of about 0.2 MPa followed by injection of nitrogen gas up to 1.2 MPa. Sample mass was 35 g, nitrided in cylindrical chamber with 34 mm in inner diameter and 1 200 mm in length. The change in nitrogen pressure was taken as an indication for nitrogen pickup. The mass gain i.e. nitrogen pickup in kilograms per surface area (m2) was determined by time at different temperatures. Nitriding rate constants were calculated and the activation energy of nitriding process was derived from Arrhenius equation. The nitriding rate constant was found to be increased by increasing temperature of the reaction. The activation energy of nitriding process of fine medium carbon ferromanganese at time ranging up to 28 800 s is around 140 kJ/mol. It was found that the rate controlling step of the nitriding process of MC-FeMn is diffusion mechanism. Investigation of some kinetics aspects of the reaction between nitrogen and medium carbon ferromanganese (MC-FeMn) was made. Nitriding process of fine medium carbon ferromanganese was carried out at temperature ranging from 973 to 1 223 K and time up to 480 min. At a temperature of 573 K, hydrogen gas was injected with pressure of about 0.2 MPa followed by injection of nitrogen gas up to 1.2 MPa. Sample mass was 35 g, nitrided in cylindrical chamber with 34 mm in The gain in nitrogen pressure was taken as an indication for nitrogen pickup. The mass gain ie nitrogen pickup in kilograms per surface area (m2) was determined by time at different temperatures. Nitriding rate constants were calculated and the activation energy of nitriding process derived from Arrhenius equation. The nitriding rate constant was found to be increased by increasing temperature of the reaction. The activation energy of nitriding process of fine medium carbon ferromanganese at time ranging up to 28 800 s is around 140 kJ / mol. It was found that the rate controlling step of the nitriding process of MC-FeMn is diffusion mechanism.
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摘要: 校企合作教育是实现高等职业教育人才培养模式的有效手段,建立校企间良好有效的合作机制,既是国际职教发展的成功经验,也是破解职业教育弊端的一剂良方。进行全面、深入的校企合作,将有力地促进高等职业学校专业教学等方面的发展。  关键词: 校企合作 专业教学 发展    校企合作教育是实现高等职业教育人才培养模式的有效手段,在国际上称为“合作教育”,它是指学校与用人单位共同合作,培养具有全面素质人才
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