我矿于1976年在东北工学院的帮助下,设计、制造了一列三节8米~3电耙式槽式列车。经一年的生产实践证明,这组列车适于直干巷道掘进的运输工作,对于弯道装载作业困难较大,部分结构比较复杂。1977年在总结经验的基础上,重新设计、制造了一列二节9米~3电耙槽式列车。经半年生产考验,又对局部做了调整、补充,矿内初步定型为 DL9型电耙式槽式列车。
I mine in 1976 with the help of the Northeast Institute of Technology, designed and manufactured a series of three 8-meter 3 electric rake trough train. After a year of production practice has proved that this group of trains is suitable for straight dry roadway boring transport work, for cornering load more difficult, part of the structure is more complicated. On the basis of summing up experience in 1977, we redesigned and manufactured a series of two 9m ~ 3 electric rake trenches. After six months of production tests, but also made adjustments to the local, added that the initial shape of the mine DL9 electric rake trough train.