急性心肌梗塞(MI)病人往往需使用溶栓疗法。护士应熟悉这项疗法,进行配合,并保证病人的康复。 绝大多数MI是由血凝块阻塞冠状动脉所致,溶栓可使血管开放,迅速恢复灌注。所以溶栓疗法开始得越早,心肌组织损害越小。经验证明胸痛出现后6小时内开始治疗疗效最满意(6小时后心肌细胞开始死亡)。对于MI病人这6小时最佳“时限”。但有
Patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) often require thrombolytic therapy. Nurses should be familiar with the therapy, cooperate and ensure the patient’s recovery. The vast majority of MI is caused by blood clots blocking the coronary arteries, thrombolysis can open the blood vessels, rapid recovery of perfusion. Therefore, thrombolytic therapy started earlier, the less damage to myocardial tissue. Experience has shown that treatment is most satisfactory within 6 hours of onset of chest pain (cardiomyocytes begin to die after 6 hours). This is the 6 hour best “time limit” for MI patients. But there