Three emperors and five emperors, appeared in the legendary emperors before the Xia dynasty. From the era of the Three Emperors to the Five Emperors, there are no definite dates in the calendar year and at least a few thousand years. The Three Emperors and Five Emperors led the people to create the ancient Chinese civilization. The descendants regarded them as gods and declared their heroic achievements with various beautiful myths and legends. However, “Three Kings” and “Five Emperors” specifically refer to whom, but there are many different opinions. San Juan According to the most widely circulated Taoist culture, San Huang means Fu Xi, Sui Ren, Shen Nong (Yan Emperor). “Shi Ji Qin Shi Huang Ji” records, the Three Emperors should be Emperor, Emperor, Thai Emperor. “Spring and Autumn Wei” proposed the emperor, the emperor, the emperor for the three emperor. “Winning pivot” “Yuan Bibao” and other records, three