由于判例法可以弥补成文法的不足 ,适应社会不断发展、不断创新的需要 ,它在西方的法律建设中具有重要的地位和作用 ,我国要进行经济建设和法制建设 ,消除传统制定法模式下的立法及司法解释的固有弊端 ,适应我国不断发展的司法工作的现实需要 ,有必要建立我国的判例法制度。我国目前在实行判例法制度时存在的问题是 :一是判例形式不够统一 ,制作技术尚欠成熟 ;二是发布主体层次较乱 ,效力性质不很明确 ;三是编发程序尚欠规范。因此 ,要使我国的判例制度真正规范、有效 ,必须研究解决好判例的创制、效力、整理汇编等问题。
As case law can make up for the deficiency of written law and meet the need of continuous development and innovation of society, it plays an important role in the legal construction of the West. China should carry out economic construction and legal construction and eliminate the legislation in the traditional lawmaking model As well as the inherent defects of judicial interpretation. To meet the realistic needs of the constantly developing judicial work in our country, it is necessary to establish the case law system of our country. At present, the problems in the application of the case law system in our country are as follows: First, the form of the judicial precedent is not unified enough and the production technology is not yet mature; Second, the main body of the publication is rather chaotic and the nature of the validity is not clear; Therefore, in order to make our case law system truly standardized and effective, we must study and solve the problems of creation, effectiveness and compilation of case law.