黄瓜不同品种,不同栽培季节,结果习性有很大的差异。近年来,我们对忠州镇几个黄瓜主要栽培品种进行了调查,发现春播早熟品种如早丰等主枝结瓜率达90%以上;中、晚熟品种如津研7号、长春密刺等分枝结瓜率达30%~40%。无论何种品种,夏秋季栽培主枝结瓜率均较低,一般在50%以下。根据黄瓜不同栽培季节的结瓜习性,应采取不同的整枝方法。据多点试验,春黄瓜采用单蔓式整枝,比不整枝和三蔓式整枝的分别增产24.3%和11.4%;秋黄瓜采用三蔓式整枝比不整枝和单蔓式整枝分别增产45.1%和9.7%。现将两种整枝方法介绍如下: 1、单蔓式整枝 采用一苗一桩,直立牵引,除去五节以下的全部花、
Different varieties of cucumber, different cultivation season, the results have very different habits. In recent years, we conducted a survey on several major cucumber cultivars in Zhongzhou, and found that early maturing varieties such as early abundance had more than 90% fruiting buds, middle and late-maturing varieties such as Jinyan 7 and Changchun sting spur Branching rate of 30% to 40%. No matter what species, summer and autumn planting main branch fruiting rate is low, generally below 50%. According to cucumber habits of different cucumbers season, should adopt different pruning methods. According to the multi-point test, the spring cucumber single-stick pruning increased 24.3% and 11.4% respectively compared with the unprofiled and the tripartite pruning; the autumn cucumber increased the yield by 45.1% 9.7%. Now two pruning methods are introduced as follows: 1, single vine pruning with a seedling, vertical traction, remove all the flowers below five,