平贝适宜生长在疏松肥沃的土壤中,因此在栽培时除应选择适当的地块外,还要利用各种方式来改良土壤。经过几年的栽培实践,在黑龙江省铁力市利用草炭土改良土壤,用猪圈粪做肥效果较好。1 草炭土的利用 在夏季将草炭土挖回,堆积后用塑料布盖好,一提防止雨水将养分带走,二是增加温度利于草炭的分解。秋季翻1次堆,第二年在种植平贝时翻倒粉碎,筛去大的杂物后铺于平贝床底做底土,厚度一般在5~1O厘米。母种上用草炭土覆盖效果更好。草炭土经粉碎后,没有腐烂的草根和杆等物变成为细小颗粒混入土中。它不仅可以疏松土壤,而且是土壤的贮备营养。
Flat shell suitable for growth in loose and fertile soil, so in addition to selecting suitable plots in the cultivation, but also use a variety of ways to improve the soil. After several years of cultivation practices, the use of peat soil in Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province, to improve the soil, with pigpen manure better. 1 Use of peat soil In the summer of the peat dig back, piled up with plastic sheeting, a mention to prevent the rain away nutrients, the second is to increase the temperature conducive to the decomposition of peat. Turn down a pile in autumn, the next year when planting flat shell over crushed, sieved to large sundries in the Pui Pu bed to do subsoil, the thickness is generally 5 ~ 1O cm. Mother species covered with peat soil better. After the peat soil has been crushed, the grass roots and rods that have not decayed become fine particles mixed into the soil. It can not only loose soil, but also soil nutrients.