文体构成的内在因素主要由适应特定的社会需要、运用特定的思维方式、选择特定的语体形态这三个方面构成 ,而且彼此之间有着深刻的内在联系。适应特定的社会需要是文体形成和发展的最深层动因 ,是决定一种文体之所以是这种文体的本质属性 ;运用特定的思维方式是文体为满足社会需要而采取的思想对策 ,它从内容和形式两个方面深刻地影响着文体的整体形态 ;选择特定的语体形态是在特定社会需要、思维方式的要求下对语言形态的选择和调整
The internal factors of stylistic composition are mainly composed of three aspects which adapt to specific social needs, use specific ways of thinking and choose specific forms of genre, and have deep intrinsic relations with each other. Adapting to specific social needs is the deepest motivation for the formation and development of stylistics and the decisive factor that a genre is the essential attribute of this genre. Using a specific way of thinking is the ideological countermeasure that the genre takes to meet social needs. And form two aspects profoundly affect the overall form of style; select a specific style of language is the social needs of a particular way of thinking under the choice of language morphology and adjustment