Literature Review Concerning the Research of Chinese Higher Education: Take Refined Egoism Symptom f

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  【Abstract】This essay summarizes and analyzes the research of recent decade about China’s higher education, focusing on the refined egoism symptom that has been gradually revealed today. It reviews the origin and development of this symptom and further notes that previous studies are mostly from the perspective of attaching importance to the causes and features of the phenomenon, but rarely do research on the feasibility of possible solutions.
  【Key words】refined egoism; higher education; origin; development; solutions
  I. Introduction
  Chinese education has been aimed at cultivating the individual’s humanity and preparing future citizens with highly social responsibilities. However, the refined egoism symptom that has been emerged especially in Chinese higher education during the recent years deviated from the original notions of education and gradually aroused wide public concern.
  II. Origin
  The refined egoism symptom has been gradually emerged during the past decade. However, the explicit term “refined egoism” was first put forward by Peking University professor, Qian Liqun in 2012 at a workshop on the ideal university. He pointed out that our college, especially those foremost institutions like PKU and THU were culturing a group of students who are characterized by their sophistication, selfishness, myopia and changeability, also been called as “refined egoists”.
  III. Development
  3.1 Causes of Refined Egoism Symptom
  3.1.1 Effect of Social trend
  With the globalization of economy, the development of science and technology and the popularization of internet, Chinese young generation have been affected more or less by the Western culture, of which the core is individualism. Moreover, the several successful cases of people who took a shortcut or won by unfair play and indecency were broadcasted and spread, distorting the fairness and justice that the society has been carried on, reshaping the moral values in people’s minds, and creating a much more impetuous social atmosphere.
  3.1.2 Commitment of Corruption in College
  Extensive administration on university management system has become a main barrier to preventing college teachers from fully exerting their academic power and completely enjoying academic freedom.
  3.1.3 Utilitarianism of Education
  The ultimate and only goal of education has transformed to employment. Although the idea itself can’t be categorized as wrong in every sense of the word, but students tend to place much attention on the employment, instead of the moral values and the capability of appreciating arts that consisted in the significance of education.   3.2 Characteristics of Refined Egoists
  3.2.1 Sophisticated
  Refined egoists are relatively excellent in intelligence quotation and emotional quotation. They would often seek and achieve their pursuits in an ulterior and inconspicuous way.
  3.2.2 Selfish
  Refined egoism has evolved from individualism, but existing in a more concealed form. In essence, no matter how sophisticated or exquisite they appear to be, their ultimate purposes are the same_to attain benefits.
  3.2.3. Remorseless
  In general, refined egoists are lack of social responsibilities and compassions for others while they are so wrapped up in reaching after fame and fortune. They no longer place attention on their responsibilities for the progress of society, nation, country and even the humankind.
  IV. Summary
  This essay has elaborately analyzed the development of the refined egoism in China’s higher education during the recent decade. It gave a basic conclusion of the general standpoints on refined egoism symptom and added new arguments. According to the available data, it’s worth noting that rare solutions have been put forward, among which are mostly empty words and clichés that can hardly play proper roles in improving the status quo.
【摘要】教师为了完成课堂教学目标,突破学习重难点,在英语课堂教学中需要把学生的学习分成三步走,让学生可以主动地参与到教师的课堂学习中。首先应该给学生营造一个学习情境,促进学生可以产生学习的欲望和兴趣,主动地参与到教师的课堂教学中。其次教师要采用丰富的教学手段和教学方法,让学生可以进行新知探究。最后,教师要给学生提供一些练习题,促进学生对于知识的应用,促进学生学习能力的提高。  【关键词】初中英语;
【摘要】从浙江英语新高考的题型来看,无论是听力、阅读理解、完型填空还是语法填空、应用文写作或者概要写作和续写,都是建立在对词汇的记忆和理解的基础上。  【关键词】新高考;英语词汇;归类;复习  【作者简介】陈雨霞,浙江省台州市天台育英中学。  对于英语词汇,怎样才能花较少的时间取得较大的复习效果呢?这是英语教师和学生都比较关注的问题。本人根据多年的教学经验结合英语新高考提出以下建议:  一、复习归
【摘要】随着我国新课改深入发展,教育模式与教学理念得到有效变革,为提升教学质量,提高学生综合素养具有积极意义。本文通过对小学英语教学中存在的问题及解决对策进行探究,以期为推动小学英语教学良性发展,提供行之有效的理论参考依据。  【关键词】小学英语教学;问题;解决对策  【作者简介】陈太莉,贵州省六盘水市六枝特区第十小学。  小学英语作为英语学习奠基阶段,需教师通过教育引导,点燃学生英语学习积极性,
【摘要】随着时代的不断发展,人们的观念也在不断更新,为了适应当今日益激烈的国际市场的要求,英语口语表达能力的提高对于高中生的英语学习具有十分重要的作用。基于此,本文对高中生英语口语学习进行探讨,希望能对大家学习英语口语有所帮助。  【关键词】高中生;英语;口语  【作者简介】单琼仪,湖南省衡阳市铁一中学。  一、学习英语口语的重要性  1.英语流通性广泛。英语口语的重要性不仅体现在与外国人交流,还
【Abstract】Ernest Hemingway was one of the most influential novelists in America literature. A Clean, Well-lighted Place is one of the most representative short novels, which has been studied by many r
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入发展,教育工作者们在实际教学中不断探索多样化的、新型的教学模式。其中,“对分课堂”教学模式实现了对传统教学模式的“去其糟粕,取其精华”的创新。“对分课堂”主要包括三个方面:知识的讲解、学生对知识的内化和吸收、小组自由讨论。本篇文章将结合初中英语课堂教学实际,探索对分课堂在英语阅读教学中的应用。  【关键词】对分课堂;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】伏丽丽,马雪峰,袁文