张潮说:方外不必戒酒,但须戒俗;红裙不必通文,但须得趣。意思是说:真正开悟的出家人,酒倒不一定是非戒不可的,但一定要戒掉俗骨凡心;真正可爱的女人,学问倒不一定非得精深广博,但一定要有生趣,有味道。 所谓得趣的女人,当然就是那个善解人意的女人。她从不声嘶力竭
Zhang Chao said: You do not have to quit drinking alcohol, but you must abide by the customs. Red skirts do not have to pass an article, but must be interesting. The meaning is that: Really enlightened monk, wine is not necessarily non-abetting, but must abstain from the vulgar bone; truly lovely woman, learning may not necessarily have extensive, but must have fun, taste. The so-called interesting woman, of course, is that kind of woman. She never hoarse