There exist the complicated waveguide modes as well as the surface waves in the electromagnetic field induced by a horizontal electric dipole in layered Iossles
Objective: To study the mechanism of cancer, the DNA for BAC was cloned from an ascites hepatoma cell line Hca-F25/CL-16A3 using PCR. Methods: The nucleotide se
On Dawning-1000, the two-dimension mesh interconnection network enables low-latency, high-bandwidth communication, however, these capabilities have not been rea
This paper presents a factoringalgorithm for computing source-to-K terminal (SKT) reliability, the probability that a source s can send message to a specified s
As a research professor at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Miguel Esteban is the first non-Chinese scienti
Superconductivity is a peculiar quantum phenomenon which originates from the pairing of conduction electrons, tbllowed by phase coherent condensation, Since the