Microstructure and performance evaluations on Q&P hot stamping parts of several UHSS sheet metals

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragoonzj
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Hot stamping(press hardening) is widely used to fabricate safety components such as door beams and B pillars with increased strength via quenching. However, parts that are hot-stamped from ultra-high-strength steel(UHSS) have very limited elongation,i.e., low ductility. In the present study, a novel variant of hot stamping technology called quenching-and-partitioning(Q&P) hot stamping was developed. This approach was tested on several UHSS sheet metals, and it was confirmed that this method can be used to overcome the drawbacks associated with conventional hot stamping. The applicability of Q&P hot stamping to each of these steels was also assessed. The part properties and performances of three widely used ultra-high-strength sheet metals, B1500 HS,27 SiMn, and TRIP780, were evaluated through tensile testing and microstructural observations. The results demonstrated that the ductility of Q&P hot-stamped sheet metals was notably higher than that of the conventionally hot-stamped parts because Q&P hot stamping gives rise to a dual-phase structure of both martensite and austenite. Further, material tests demonstrated that the Q&P treatment had positive effects on all three selected materials, of which TRIP780 had the best ductility and the highest value of the product of strength and plasticity. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that the silicon in the steels could limit the formation of cementite and would, therefore, improve the mechanical properties of Q&P hot-stamped products. However, parts that are hot-stamped from ultra-high-strength steel (UHSS) have very limited elongation, ie This duvet was developed on several UHSS sheet metals, and it was confirmed that this method can be used The overcomeability of Q & P hot stamping to each of these steels was also assessed. The part properties and performances of three widely used ultra-high-strength sheet metals, B1500 HS, 27 SiMn, and TRIP780 , were evaluated through tensile testing and microstructural observations. The results demonstrated that the ductility of Q & P hot-stamped sheet metals was notably higher than that of the conventionally hot-stamped parts b Further, material tests demonstrated that the Q & P treatment had positive effects on all three selected materials, of which TRIP780 had the best ductility and the highest value of the product of strength and plasticity. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that the silicon in the steels could limit the formation of cementite and would, therefore, improve the mechanical properties of Q & P hot-stamped products.
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摘 要:在初中物理教学中引入物理模型,就是一种将物理知识变得形象可感、直观易懂的好方法,要遵循由易到难、由浅入深、由表象到实质的人类认识规律,将一个复杂的科学理论转化为直观的事物,展现在学生面前,从而帮助学生理解消化物理知识,取得更好的学习效果。  关键词:初中物理;物理模型;构建方法  初中物理学科已经显示出它的抽象性,学生接受起来未免有些吃力,利用模型的形象直观的特点,可破解物理难题,开启智慧
【中图分类号】R856 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2011)05-0199-01    在临床工作中,由于种种原因,常常导致某些隐蔽部位肺结核病的漏诊与误诊,主要有以下几种情况:  1 肺尖部与肋骨或锁骨相重叠的小病灶,易漏诊或误为肋软骨钙化  肺上叶尖后段的结核性增殖、钙化灶,X线胸片常表现为密度偏高的斑点状、结节状阴影,以肺尖、锁骨上下较多见。当病灶与肋骨或锁骨相重叠时